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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Throw halfway: Why is it not necessary to bring the job to the end

"Do not throw halfway", “if you undertake something, you must bring it to the end” - these phrases that have been known since childhood speak a lot about public fears. If you allow a child to leave a music school, will it not occur to him to give up the usual one? If a person leaves the university, will he not remain without a profession and the opportunity to find a job for the rest of his life? He does not finish reading the books to the end - won't he rush around his whole life without knowing how to decide? We argue whether it is so important to bring everything begun to some kind of victorious end or formal completion.

Do I need to read from cover to cover?

Few people are ready to admit that they didn’t finish reading something from classics or important bestsellers - however, e-books make it possible to compile statistics without actively interviewing the readers themselves. For example, Kobo, a company that reads readers, estimates that among the residents of the UK who bought Donna Tartt’s “Shchegl”, less than half read the book, and only about 28% of readers mastered it. For those who are inclined not to read books and worry about it, such data helps to look at the situation with different eyes: why blame yourself if others fail?

As Professor of Literature Pierre Bayard notes, the author of the book “How to talk about books that you have not read,” the refusal to read is a respectable choice that is made not to drown in the flow of information and not to waste time. It is worth analyzing the motives: why do I even read this book? It's one thing if you need to study a textbook to pass an important exam - and then you have to wade through boring topics through force; the other is when reading should be a source of pleasure, helping to relax and switch. In the latter case, obviously, it makes no sense to continue reading the book, which is not happy.

Music without scales and solfege

It seems that half of the country ended up "Muzykalku" or "hudozhka" at one time - but very few people approached the piano or easel after that, and only a few became professional artists or musicians. Someone was losing interest in the process of studying, but also those who had it preserved recall with horror the draconian approach - endless and boring scales and uninteresting subjects as part of the full curriculum. For what it is to be complete, children do not explain, but the dislike of learning and music develops quite easily. Is another approach possible? Of course.

As the practice of other countries shows, it is possible to teach music, dance, art in such a way that children (or adults) can enjoy the process. It is clear that to work in the orchestra will still need an academic education, during which there will be both boring and difficult moments. But if it’s not about professional prospects (or it’s too early to lead), then for the sake of broadening the horizons and new experience, it’s quite possible to learn the basics and learn in a way that is fun and enjoyable. A great option is to start playing a musical instrument from your favorite pop hit, not to demand perfect results from yourself and understand what you can quit if you get bored. It is useful for both mental and physical health: any new experience helps to form neural connections, and the acceptance of oneself and one’s own interests is the key to a balanced psyche.

Physical culture without standards

Sport is fun too for many oxymorons. This is due to the insane standards of school physical education and the strict requirements of coaches in the sections, who seem to be interested only in working with potential champions. Physical activities from childhood left such a sediment that some refuse from sports completely, others force themselves to go to the gym through power, constantly feeling their imperfection. In fact, it is not necessary to compete with anyone, and physical activity is a thing that improves mood and makes the body more healthy regardless of its size and weight. In order to choose the type of load that suits you personally, sometimes you need to sort out a lot. And this does not mean that you are picky or not able to decide - you just continue to search for what will be optimal and will bring joy.

Plus-size is not an obstacle for ballet, jogging or tennis, including in childhood. It is one thing, under the guidance of a doctor, to monitor weight, forming healthy eating habits from childhood. But putting schoolgirls on a diet in front of a responsible performance simply because "you have to be thin and beautiful on stage" is violence. This practice can quickly lead to dysmorphobia, as well as the perception of dancing or sport as something always associated with suffering. Finally, if a child tries and throws up different kinds of sports — football, then judo — you need to understand that he is also looking for the most interesting activity for himself. And even if an abandoned course of classes was not “brought to the end,” this does not nullify the experience gained, which will forever remain with the person.

Change of job and career

The work, which is completely unrelated to the education received, often evokes comments on the topic that a person learned “in vain” - but this is not true, because fundamental knowledge will not go anywhere, even if you do not apply them in practice. Any study expands the horizons and forms analytical thinking, and this is useful for life in general. On the other hand, if the study completely disliked in the process and it became clear that I wanted to do something else - perhaps it would be better to change the profile than to stay in a university for several years (and if the study is paid, it will help reduce costs).

A radical change of profession is also not necessarily a sign of a "tossing" person who "cannot be determined at all." This is the same worthy decision as a decision to systematically build a career, working in one place for dozens of years. Different people need more than one thing to be happy: one is suitable for consistency, others need sharp turns.

If inconstancy prevents live

Completion started is usually associated with a serious approach and stability; a person who grabs everything enthusiastically, but quickly burns out and loses interest, may seem unassembled or inattentive. And both options, brought to the extreme, perhaps, can signal problems: the first one can hide perfectionism or the fear of change, the second one - dissatisfaction with oneself, which makes one consider every new passion to be a solution and a direct way to happiness. If what is happening really worries and interferes with life, you should turn to a psychotherapist and try to sort things out in yourself.

But the extremes are not so common, and usually people tend to bring to the end some of the cases and throw others, criticizing themselves for the last. And, perhaps, the main thing in this case is to try not to scold yourself, set priorities and understand that nothing terrible is happening. Perhaps you are throwing halfway through something that you shouldn’t spend time and energy on - and you should praise yourself for such a right decision.

Photo: Photocreo Bednarek - stock.adobe.com, Andrzej Tokarski - stock.adobe.com, Nikolai Sorokin - stock.adobe.com

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