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20 important events of the past month in Russia and the world

EVERYDAY WE HAVE A GREAT NUMBER OF NEWS, in the flow of which is easy to get lost and miss important. Therefore, every month we remember the most significant events of the past 30 days, which have affected life in Russia and other countries. Today we tell what people, events and initiatives have changed our world in November.

Americans protest against trump's victory in presidential elections

The main political news of November is the US election results. Republican Donald Trump won 279 electoral votes (47.9%) and won the presidential elections in the United States. Trump's main rival for the presidency of Hillary Clinton received 218 votes (47.3%) and acknowledged her defeat. After the announcement of the election results in many states, protests began. One of the first to express their disagreement with the results of the residents of Auckland: NBC News reports that in the city began mass protests with riots and arson. In Washington, more than a thousand people, including members of the Black Lives Matter movement, took part in a demonstration in front of the White House, and spontaneous protests began in Portland, and in New York demonstrators gathered at the Trump Tower. Lady Gaga, Lena Dunham and other celebrities spoke out against Trump.

Fired police officer who refused to help victims of violence

The details of the loud murder that took place on November 17 in Orel became known: it turned out that forty minutes before the brutal beating of her former roommate, Yana Savchuk, she called the police but did not receive help. On the phone of the victim, who died in hospital from his injuries, they found a recording of the conversation: you can hear the police major Natalia Bashkatova “reassure” a woman who fears for her life. “If he kills you, we’ll definitely leave, describe the corpse, do not worry,” the police said to the victim of domestic violence, refusing to accept her appeal. It is known that Bashkatov was already fired from the police, a criminal case was brought against her under Part 2 of Art. 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Negligence, causing by negligence the infliction of grievous bodily harm or death of a person"), involving up to five years in prison.

Ministry of Health called the situation with HIV in ten regions of Russia critical

The head of the Ministry of Health, Veronika Skvortsova, said that the situation with HIV in ten regions of Russia was recognized as critical. According to the minister, the worst situation is observed in Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region: in this region, every fiftieth resident is infected. According to the Ministry of Health, 57% of cases of infection occur among drug addicts through injections with a dirty syringe. At the same time, Skvortsova noted that 40% of cases of HIV infection through sexual intercourse occur in heterosexual couples, and more and more often HIV is diagnosed in people who are not at risk: "It’s about the fact that the wife gets infected from her husband, and by wealthy women. "

Bolshoi Theater criticized for banning visits with children

The Bolshoi Theater imposed age restrictions on visiting evening performances. This became clear after the angry message of Alexandra Vasyukova, who was not allowed into Swan Lake with her five-year-old daughter. According to Vasyukova, on November 22, a few more families with children under the age of twelve could not get to the performance, as the administrators, referring to the “12 +” tag on the ticket, did not allow them to enter. Ballet dancer Nikolai Tsiskaridze spoke out against the policy of the theater, stating that visiting performances, including evening ones, is important for the development of children.

Journalist Yuri Bolotov spoke about the experience of domestic violence

Yuri Bolotov, who recently left the post of editor in chief of The Village, said that in childhood and adolescence he was subjected to domestic violence by his father. "Having flared up, my father grabbed his leather officer's slipper and beat on the shin with a flourish - and more, and more. Mom tried to protect me, and flew to her. He knew where to hit; hitting the shin was very painful, and then you walk with black legs: on one seventeen bruises, on the other ten more, some are already fading, some new ones. " The journalist stressed that the topic of violence in our country is taboo, and it is often embarrassing for victims to talk about their experiences even after many years. In addition, Bolotov said that he was working on a child trauma with a psychotherapist and plans to discuss the situation with his parents.

Launched Portal Violence.net about domestic violence

On November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the site of Violence.net was launched - a project of lawyers Mari Davtyan and Anna Rivina, dedicated to the problem of domestic violence and methods of fighting it. In August, the application "Violence.net" was released with addresses of crisis centers and a "panic button" to alert relatives. On the same day, another Russian victim assistance project was launched - the online service “P.L.I.N.A.”, which was worked on by employees of the “Crisis Center for Women” from St. Petersburg. "PAULINE." - These are step-by-step instructions and a generator of statements to the police and the courts, as well as a platform for legal volunteers who will help the survivors to correctly draw up a statement.

In Russia, reforming the school system of psychological assistance

Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets said that in the near future in Russia they will reform the system of psychological assistance in schools. To such a decision, officials pushed the tragic events of November 14: two teenagers locked themselves in a house in the Pskov region and opened fire on a police car, after which they committed suicide. According to Golodets, it is planned to "change the entire psychology service" that functions in schools. The retraining program will be based on the statistics of teen suicides, which will be presented by the V. P. Serbsky Federal Medical Research Center of Psychiatry and Narcology.

FAS has recognized ethical advertising with the text "Do you want Kunis?"

The Expert Council of the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for Moscow (Moscow’s FAS) did not reveal any irregularities in the advertisement for the film “Very Bad Mommies”, containing the text “Do you want Kunis?”. Only one member of the expert council considered the inscription indecent, the rest considered that the content of the poster did not contradict the legislation. It is known that in St. Petersburg, the disputed ads were abandoned.

On the conductor, who landed the child in the cold, brought the case

A criminal case was opened in Yekaterinburg on the actions of the bus conductor who landed a nine-year-old girl without a ticket in a 30-degree frost. The girl's mother, Irina Koltysheva, said that her daughter, apparently, had lost her travel card, and she did not have the money for a ticket with her. The stowaway schoolgirl was landed three stops before the destination; she had to go home alone in the bitter cold.

Transgender Russian woman trying to send in the male detention center

The lawyer for the transgender woman Albina, according to her passport known as Alexei Matiunin, said that her client was going to be taken to the Bear detention center and then sent to serve a real term in the men's prison. According to lawyer Svetlana Badalyan, this is associated with large risks to the health and life of the convicted person. In September 2011, a transgender Russian woman was convicted of theft of 1,800 rubles for two years from a store’s cash register for two years, but recently, for some unknown reason, the type of punishment was changed from real to a real one.

Bono wins Glamor Woman of the Year Award

Glamor magazine announced the list of laureates of the Woman of the Year award, which will be presented on November 14 in Los Angeles. This year, for the first time, a man will receive an award: Bono, the vocalist of the U2 rock band, who founded the organization against HIV and other socially significant diseases One, as well as the movement “Poverty is Sexism”, designed to help the world's poorest women, became one of the winners. Russian journalist Mikhail Shakhnazarov responded to the musician’s award of a prize with a column titled "And Bono's Mother." In it, Shakhnazarov said that the idea of ​​honoring a man with the “Woman of the Year” award is the fruit of the perverted fantasy of the “gloss artists”, who thus humiliated the world-famous musician.

HIV deflorator planted in Malawi

In Malawi, they sentenced a man who, since 1985, had been performing the duties of a “hyena” - a man who deprives girls of his first menstruation of virginity and has sex with widows as part of the traditional “cleansing” ceremony. Eric Aniva spoke about his lesson in an interview with the BBC, which caused a great resonance at the international level: the audience was shocked not only by the barbaric customs of defloration and "cleansing", but also by the fact that Aniva is HIV-infected and does not use condoms in principle. Although Aniva had sex with a hundred women in her “career,” only two widows testified against a man. Aniva was found guilty under the article on “harmful cultural practices” and sentenced to two years in prison.

SC detained the administrator of the "group of death" "VKontakte"

The investigative committee detained the administrator of one of the groups in the social network "VKontakte", suspected of inciting suicide. Philip Budeykin, known in the social network as Philippe Lys, was involved in the story of “death groups” - closed communities of VKontakte, which thundered this spring, where teenagers were inclined to commit suicide. It is known that Budeykina was detained in the Moscow region and planned to be transferred to St. Petersburg. Now in ten regions of Russia there are searches in the homes of suspects, a criminal case has been opened into incitement to being brought to suicide. According to investigators, the management of "VKontakte" has not taken sufficient measures to block the "groups of death."

Kanye West canceled his tour and went to the hospital

Rapper Kanye West canceled all the remaining concerts of his Saint Pablo Tour tour and was hospitalized. The media reported, West felt bad because of the overloaded schedule and the emotional burnout provoked by him (about the dangers of rework can be read here). In addition to the concert tour, which was supposed to continue until the end of December, the rapper is working on his own collection of clothes and a line for adidas.

Pope allowed all priests to let go of the "sin of abortion"

Pope Francis allowed ordinary priests to release the “sin of abortion” - previously only bishops and specially appointed priests had this right. The pontiff announced that he prolongs the temporary permission to absolve the sin of abortion, given to ordinary priests in honor of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, which ended in mid-November. At the same time, the Pope stressed that the Catholic Church still considers abortion to be a mortal sin, since interruption of pregnancy deprives an innocent soul of the right to life.

"VKontakte" refused to block a group of rapes in a dream

In one of the feminist public Vkontakte, a post about rape in a dream appeared - in particular, about online communities in which men discuss how and what drugs to sprinkle a girl on food so that she can “turn off” and sex "without her knowledge, that is, to rape. The members of the group "Sleeping Sex" post intimate photos of sleeping partners and videos showing sexual acts with unconscious women. In addition, the community has text descriptions of the already committed violence against friends and wives.

The women considered that the Sleeping Sex public and the like promoted violence, but the support from Vkontakte refused to block the group, and the administration of the social network stated that this would be an act of censorship. Activists launched a petition demanding an end to rape propaganda.

The vice-mayor of Volgograd dismissed the children-dancers

The vice-mayor of Volgograd, Anataly Omelchenko, who recently insulted children involved in ballroom dancing, quit on his own will. In mid-November, Omelchenko told students, their parents and the staff of the children's sports school "Dream" that he did not like ballroom dancing, and the children who are involved in them are like "same-sex creatures with protruding buttocks." Also, the vice-mayor said that from ballroom dancing "to homosexuality close." After that, the parents of the pupils of the school launched a petition demanding Omelchenko’s resignation.

Prize "Enlightener": the best Russian popular science books are named

The winners of the "Educator" award Dmitry Zimin, awarded to the authors of the best popular science books in Russian, have been announced. The prize in the nomination "Natural and Exact Sciences" was awarded to Alexander Panchin for the book "The Sum of Biotechnology", dispelling stereotypes about the insecurity of GMOs and other widely discussed technologies. The art critic Sergey Kavtaradze, author of The Anatomy of Architecture. Seven Books on Logic, Form and Meaning, became the winner in the nomination “Humanities”. The special award "Educator of the Enlightenment" was awarded to Andrei Zorin, author of the book "The Appearance of a Hero."

Canadian poet and musician Leonard Cohen dies

November 11, Canadian musician Leonard Cohen passed away. The artist died at the 83rd year of life, in the past few months he was seriously ill. In the October interview with The New Yorker, the singer said he was ready for death, but he would like to finish some of his works. Less than a month ago, Cohen’s 14th album "You Want It Darker" was released, which was perceived by many as a musical testament - the line "I'm ready, my Lord" ("I am ready, Lord") is repeated in the title track.

In the US, homeopathic medicines will be flagged as ineffective.

The US Federal Trade Commission will oblige manufacturers of homeopathic medicines to provide scientific evidence of their effectiveness. If companies do not want or cannot do this, they will have to post a warning on the packaging stating that their product has not been tested and manufactured in accordance with principles that have no evidence. Manufacturers of homeopathy will also have to warn consumers that the drugs were developed based on the theory of the XVIII century, which did not receive recognition from the majority of modern medical experts.

Photo: Donald J. Trump / Facebook

Watch the video: Russia: National World Cup committee blown over by record-breaking impact of event (January 2025).

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