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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Healthy habits consultant Nike Sasha Boyarskaya

IN RUBRIC "LIFESTYLE" we ask different people about healthy lifestyles with a human face: we talk about the importance of taking care of yourself and pleasant ways to make life more comfortable. The heroine of the new release is Nike creative consultant Sasha Boyarskaya.

Feeling good is not wrinkling the nose. When I am physically or psychologically tense, I frown, but a relaxed state is wellness.

I start the day with I drink a glass of water. After that, if I'm lucky, I sleep for another hour: my son Eric is eight months old, he wants to get up at five in the morning, and my dad plays with him for the first hour. The second time I start the day after six is ​​five minutes of assembling myself in bed, another glass of water and coffee.

The perfect morning I thought of myself and it’s difficult to produce it every Wednesday: I don’t drink coffee at home, but I go to a pleasant coffee shop, where I meet with my acquaintances, run five or six kilometers, talk, drink coffee and get it, I apologize for the stereotyped phrase, cheerfulness charge.

Perhaps the most harmful thing I do, - I feel guilty - and blame myself for that. I scold myself for the excess phone in my hands, too much sweet, lack of vegetables. In general, of course, babies impose such “their” rules on the lifestyle and routine that you don’t play: it’s hard to blame yourself for not getting enough sleep if the baby has otitis, for example, and cries at night.

After the birth of Eric I have become a hundred million times calmer with my own body. In general, I was quite pumped up on this topic at the time of pregnancy - magically I came to a state of peace with myself, which can be called the loud word "acceptance." When you accept yourself and feel happy, you feel good about your body.

The worst thing you can do- it is not to love your body for something. With this body, like a 3D printer, I printed a completely amazing boy, and now he raschu it - it's amazing. How can you criticize something in yourself from this position - especially considering that I am running. Running helps to bring together the thoughts and physical sensation of the body, gives this "awareness" right now. It helps to appreciate yourself - and your body - not for compliance with someone's or your own ideas about beauty, but for what it is capable of.

It would be nice if they came to Russia Baby Boot Camps with some summer programs. I saw them in London: classy mothers do exercises and crouch around wheelchairs and decide by this the eternal question of how to put a child for the time of doing fitness. I’m obviously not one of these moms: Erik is still a kid, and I just walk with him and walk. But I still do not know what a summer with a child could be: he was born in September and seven months have passed since then.

I do not like to invent anything and combine "pleasant with useful." A walk with a baby is a walk with a baby. When I need to run, I go and run. There will not be "thanks to Andrew, which allows me to do this" - it seems that it should be so.

I do not belong to my physical activity how to practice is just a part of life. I run two or three times a week for five to seven kilometers at a very low speed, alone or in company. This is something that I can find time for and that makes me better: running for a long (and not so) distance balances, calms, levels my mood.

I get very tired of ragged sleep, while Eric often eats at night, and sometimes, from fatigue and emotional stress, it is difficult for me to hold back the aggression that comes from nowhere. Running helps get rid of it and clean your head - and this is also an opportunity to be yourself, turn off the "mother" for half an hour.

My relationship with food is disastrously erratic, and this is really a plug in the domestic plan. I cook by inspiration - it can be every day for a week, but then there will be no more inspiration for a week. I love to have breakfast, but for some reason, breakfast moved out for lunch, and in general the situation is rather stalemate - especially with a sweet tooth. The reason is lack of sleep and the fact that I am often tense - and the body requires sweets, but more and as soon as possible. Endless winter takes so much strength that it is impossible to fight: I’m stupidly waiting for summer, when there will be more vegetables and fruits and less cold.

I find it difficult to organize a normal relationship with food. I don’t understand how in Russia it’s not to buy a lot of vegetables and fruits for a million and not to spend a thousand hours a week on it. Services ready-made dinners, too, somehow not logged yet. I think that it is worthwhile to subscribe to some kind of delivery of fruits and vegetables for the year ahead, but what if they are not tasty?

If I could give advice to everyone in the world, and only one, it would be: "Sleep eight to nine hours a day or more." It is very important for me to get enough sleep. Everything depends on sleep in general, including the course of complex diseases, mood and appetite. I do not have enough continuous sleep - for three or four hours just to sleep. It happened a couple of times during these eight months and it was: "WOW! Cosmos! Fireworks! Salute!" It does not help an hour and a half to sleep in the morning - just a little patience until Eric grows up.

The most helpful health tips which I received: sleep more, do not bring myself to the feeling of hunger and drink more water to avoid stress and stop panicking. Simple acts of self-care help cope with stress.

I find that healthy habits start with a healthy psychological attitudes, with a healthy relationship with yourself. It seems to me that for me habits are not formed through the "must". "Must" is a stop word. When it goes into the category of "I know that it will be so good" or "I want," then everything works. I know it will be cool when I run; I want to go for a run, and not thirty kilometers at a deadly speed, but three slow ones. I do it and it makes me happy. Probably my healthiest habit is generally the ability to know what makes me happy, and to use it.


Watch the video: How I ACTUALLY Start My Morning. 2018 Morning Routine. Doctor Mike (April 2024).

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