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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Guppyfriend's Microblast Wash Bag

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You may not have thought about it, but washing clothes made of synthetic materials harms nature: things “shed” fibers and small particles of plastic, which then end up in rivers and seas. The company Guppyfriend offers a solution - a special bag for washing, which does not miss the plastic particles. They should be used like a regular bag: load items of similar colors into it (without overloading - it is better to fill it only halfway), wash as usual, and then collect the fibers left in the bag. Guppyfriend can even be recycled - its manufacturers, non-profit organization STOP! Microwaste, they propose to send them back the bags to make a new batch of them. Revenues from the sale of Guppyfriend will go to other initiatives to combat plastic.

PHOTO: langbrett.com

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