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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Chest, legs, ass: How to change body with the help of contouring

Masha Vorslav

Contouring of life-saving drag queen It has long been familiar to all the trick. And although sculpting can be made minimal and almost imperceptible (slightly deepen the depressions under the cheekbones with cold brown shadows, for example), it is most often used as heavy artillery for a complete restructuring of the face, and more recently even the body. Watching the instructions for creating new legs and breasts is informative for the most part of anthropological interest, and trying to draw a new body for yourself is no better and no worse than usual, but just another is interesting. We tell you how in ten minutes to make the chest visually rounder, legs harder, and the clavicle - in relief.


Décolleté area is rich in notches and protrusions, so there is a place to roam with sticks like those recently released from Smashbox and Сlinique. The easiest way to start is with the clavicles: if this area looks flat, you need to probe the bones and apply dark contouring around them. It is best to choose a creamy texture: it is easily bleached, its saturation is also easily adjusted. Chest in a volume is also easy to do: a dark tick above the breasts will create the effect of a slightly cramped top. To strengthen it, it is worth applying a concealer lighter than the skin tone around the “hollows” and also shading it so that the volume visually increases.


Perhaps the most unexpected tutorial is to change the appearance of the back of the neck. Again, with any neck, everything is good a priori, but curiosity is a strong thing, so why not try. Neck contour pioneer for the masses - hairstyle studio @mwhairstyles - claims that with such make-up high evening hairstyles look especially elegant. Of course, they did not come up with such a shadow correction, but the studio chose the right moment and way to establish itself as an innovator (and make a successful advertisement). By the way, for sculpting the neck from behind, you will definitely need the help of a friend, so it’s good to leave such an experiment for parties.


Sports legs are not just two columns that are steadily tapering downwards, but a complex relief across its surface. To accentuate the beginning of some muscles, the volume of others and the hollows around the knees are also possible with the help of the play of light and shadow. In the video above, this is a complex contouring variant that helps to highlight the most fleeting changes in the plane. More viable contouring of the legs allows them to look tanned and slightly more slender: for this purpose they apply dark cream on the sides, and light and shade the center of the leg (finally, the Bodyblender egg comes in handy).


Ass is good. Of course, it’s actually more honest to pump it up with the help of special exercises for the buttocks (for example, this 6-minute set), but the decision to wear ultra-short shorts or a body occurs regardless of the habit of exercising. Make the curves below the waist "decorated" can be on the same principle as the sculpture of the chest: highlight the natural depressions and shade well. If the panty neckline is high, you can also decorate the upper part of the buttocks using the same dark pigment, and apply a highlighter with a subtle shimmer to the most prominent points. Ready for working - 200 percent.


As Mindy Kaling and other girls with a healthy body attitude argue to us, crop tops are not just for the skinny, but for everyone. But if you want to splurge or just indulge, here is another witty lotion. To imitate the press, you need to draw cubes on it (if tan allows, even a cool shade of bronze is suitable) and to shade shadows or cream almost to zero. With such body art, it is especially important to choose resistant products, because the clothes will constantly crawl over the stomach - well, if you are not just going to stand beautiful in a white crop top and look down on everyone (and what else to do in it).

Photo: cover photo via Shutterstock

Watch the video: Everyday Full Body Contour Routine: Legs, Booty, Boobs, Abs + MORE! (December 2024).

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