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Editor'S Choice - 2024

What is on the picture - the beach or the door?

EVERY DAY ON THE INTERNET HAPPENS THINGS, from which you want to either laugh or cry. Inevitably the question is: what are you doing?

Only we managed to forget about "Jenny" and "Laurel", as a new illusion appeared on the Internet, which became the reason for violent disputes. Twitter user named Becky published a snapshot that could equally well be a close-up of the door, and a view of the beach - the photo was sold on social networks and produced almost the same destructive effect as the famous "Schrödinger dress". In the vote, which launched Becky, the majority of votes received the option "Door", but the controversy has not stopped until now.

Although Becky herself published the same photo two days later, but with people floating in the water, subscribers are not sure that this is not a photoshop - some claim that people are "glued" into the picture. Judge for yourself:

Watch the video: Does This Picture Show a Beach or a Door? (December 2024).

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