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Self-defense: 7 reasons to get a flu shot

With the advent of cold and rainy weather, the cold season begins. Although it is impossible to cure ARVI, one can only relieve one's own condition, one can protect oneself from the most dangerous of these viral infections - the flu - with the help of vaccination. True, around vaccines against the flu is still full of speculation, and their importance is questioned by many. While the vaccination period is in progress (from September to early December), we tell why it is shown to the overwhelming majority of people and what to look for.


Die of flu

Every year, the flu causes the death of up to half a million people worldwide, and in Russia in recent years 450-1000 people have died of it. At risk - children, the elderly, pregnant women, people with chronic diseases. The probability of infection is increased in those who are faced with a large number of its carriers - for example, it works in an outpatient clinic. According to a recent study, vaccination against influenza reduces mortality among children with comorbidities by 51%, and among healthy children by 65%. Now vaccination is shown to all children, since six months.

No time to get sick

The main recommendation, if the person is already ill, is to stay at home and be at rest, and if there are disturbing symptoms (breathing problems, heavy vomiting, confusion), consult a doctor. The problem is that few people follow this recommendation: we are rushing to work because we cannot postpone the project; with women, this happens especially often because of the feeling that you first need to fulfill all obligations to loved ones, and then deal with your health. It is worth understanding that it is better to take a few days off and rest in bed than to wait for the flu to become more complicated and lead to hospitalization and a long hospital stay. But the best way to minimize these risks is prevention.

Vaccinations do not infect the flu.

Inactivated vaccines are used now, that is, the flu virus is not in them - only its particles that will not cause the disease, but will force the immune system to form the necessary protective antibodies. A live attenuated vaccine exists, and in the form of a nasal spray. Although the introduction of such a vaccine is more pleasant than an injection, it was almost completely abandoned because of its ability to cause infection, especially in people with reduced immunity.

Vaccinations are safe

After vaccination, mild adverse effects may occur, but they cannot even be compared with the hazards of the flu. Most often these are phenomena that are possible after any injection: pain, bruising, swelling at the injection site. There is a category of people who have an increased risk of an allergic reaction to a vaccine — these are people who are allergic to egg white. Nevertheless, even in the presence of such an allergy, in the mild form, vaccination is carried out without restriction, and in the case of severe allergy, under conditions that allow taking measures quickly in the event of an acute reaction.

Vaccinations are especially needed for pregnant women.

Pregnant women are often afraid of vaccines, as well as any other interventions - it seems that it can harm the unborn baby. But no matter how anti-intuitive it may sound, it is a pregnancy at any time - an indication for vaccination. The probability of a severe disease and the risk of being in the hospital for pregnant women is higher than for non-pregnant women, and the infection can harm the formation of the fetal nervous system. In addition to protecting the woman herself, the vaccine introduced during pregnancy protects the baby in the first months after birth. Vaccination does not increase the risk of miscarriage and does not require any special permission from the attending physician or midwife.

Vaccination protects those who cannot be vaccinated

Infants up to six months are not given vaccines against influenza, but the risk of complications in case of infection is higher. If there is a small child in the family, then vaccination of all the others helps to create a protective "cocoon" around it - and a certain amount of antibodies get into the blood before birth, if the vaccination is done during pregnancy. The remaining methods of prevention are the same as for other types of acute respiratory viral infections: to air the room more often, to avoid crowded places and to observe hygiene.

Cheer expensive

In the US, costs associated with influenza, an average of 11.2 billion dollars a year - mainly the cost of treatment and hospitalization, and more than 20 million lost due to missed work days. There are no clear statistics for Russia, but large sums are spent on unnecessary drugs in an attempt to cure the flu. It is clear that if you are a freelancer without a paid hospital, then it’s definitely unprofitable to get sick. Vaccination can be done for free - although there are doubts about the effectiveness of state-provided vaccines. According to WHO recommendations, the vaccine should contain at least 15 µg of hemagglutinin (viral protein) for each strain used, and in the free vaccine it is three times less. If there is an opportunity, it is better to buy a vaccine in a pharmacy that complies with the WHO recommendations - it costs about 250 rubles.

PHOTO: evso - stock.adobe.com (1, 2)

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