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Editor'S Choice - 2025

From Barcelona to Shanghai: Girls on moving to another country

Our heroines often tell how they decided to make radical changes and moved to another country, and explain to us what difficulties they encountered and how they managed to solve them. In this material we have collected fascinating stories about moving to different cities and countries - Barcelona, ​​South Africa, Tokyo, Istanbul and many others.

How I fell in love with Barcelona and moved there to live

My love for Barcelona began with a story worthy of a romcom. I flew to this city exactly on the day of my majority, completely alone, and spent five days in it - without a special plan, without places to visit, with zero knowledge of Spanish. I walked the streets with my mouth open, admired the balconies and thought: "I want to live here!"

How I moved to London for love and found myself in work

Accelerated by oxytocin and immigration laws, we decided to get married and move to London, where, of course, I had to work as a photographer.

How I moved to Germany to study and work as a journalist

I did not strive to move to Germany, but now I understand that it is she who suits me the most: I like her rich cultural life and that you can reach any end of Europe in a couple of hours.

How I moved to Tel Aviv and took life into my own hands

I became an emigrant before I really emigrated. During my school years, traveling around Europe with my mother, I looked at each new city through a personal lens. Could I come here?

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How I moved to New York to become a stylist

In New York, I wanted to be about twenty years old, but something kept me constantly: either there was no money, then there was a boyfriend, then a career. But then everything turned out to be one to one: when they cut you down, they make you a lump sum payment, but they paid me twice, so some kind of material base accumulated, but there was no more work.

How I moved from Minsk to Tokyo to become a scientist

My love for Japan did not happen because of manga, anime and video games. It all started with the prose of Natsume Soseki and Banana Yoshimoto, the poetry of Basho and Fujiwara no Teika. Conciseness, attitude to time and space, another vision of nature was unusual, but at the same time very cool.

How I quit everything and moved to live in Istanbul

I remember that day, May 25th. I had breakfast with my girlfriend and somewhere between the sausage sandwich and the Activia yogurt, I realized that it was time to move to Istanbul. This plan has matured in my head for a long time, but only in the subjunctive mood. My close friends, I suppose, were already pretty tortured by talking about how I want to live in Turkey. And also by the fact that I do nothing for this. So this time a friend just tiredly said: “Lena, stop ******. Take it and move already!” And I somehow took and moved.

How I moved to South Africa and launched a website for travelers

In the first independent trip to Africa, I went to a year and a half. The family decided that the beginning of the nineties would be quieter to spend in the tropical thickets of the Russian embassy in Ethiopia. And, in general, they were not mistaken: the first years of my life were connected with riding huge turtles and fighting monkeys, who constantly tried to steal my food.

As I went to Shanghai for holidays, I stayed for eight years and am not in a hurry to return

Somehow it just happened that after graduating from university I went to China - first I tightened my tongue, then I received an economic education. Then she worked in Moscow, but returned to Shanghai again. I thought I was just going to visit friends, for a while and with a small suitcase. But I wanted to stay - nothing kept me in Moscow.

How I went to Colombia to teach children

People who get here are usually divided into two types: fall in love with some local / local or get stuck after traveling through Latin America. Both types are united by incredible adventurism. However, the people who remain are grouped into "don't dare offend my Latin," "free here," and "transit point with prospects." I am the last.

The photo: jordi2r - stock.adobe.com

Watch the video: Countries with Cheapest Prostitutes! (January 2025).

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