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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Alexander Terekhov showed the spring-summer collection

Harlequin and bats. I thought for a long time how to combine and mix them correctly. As a result, the collection turned out by itself. I generally always have that.

The first time I tried to make the design of points. Their spring can be bought in our store.

For winter collections, I usually use wool, silk, and cotton. And in this summer collection, 90% of the materials are silk.

My very good friend and one of the most talented stylists of Russia Andrei Artemov helped me.

It seemed to me that next season all shades of red would be popular, so one could see a lot of orange, pink and peach. Warm colors.

I have always been close to the 70s. They are quite often traced by me. But this time we tried to beat this period not as usual.

See all photos from the show.

All materials on Cycles & Seasons by MasterCard in the special project Look At Me.

Watch the video: ALEXANDER TEREKHOV SPRING SUMMER (December 2024).

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