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Do no harm: What badges to look for on eco-friendly products

On many packages there will be a bunch of markings showing a conscious attitude of the manufacturer to nature - but few of us speak the language of emblems freely. In the world there are dozens of certification organizations that monitor compliance with environmental standards, and many of them are an iron guarantee that your purchase was created not to the detriment of the environment. We understand what eco signs should be looked for in the first place, if you do not want to harm nature.

The Mobius strip

Marking familiar to all. These arrows indicate that the packaging or contents may be recyclable or the packaging is made from recycled materials; in the latter case, manufacturers must indicate a percentage of "secondary". The symbol is adopted in the regulations of the EU Customs Union, and it is placed in any packages: in order to draw such a sign, you do not need to go through checks and receive documents. The extent to which it is really appropriate remains on the conscience of the manufacturer - partly because it is so popular.

Green dot

Another sign that says that the product can be processed, invented and registered in Germany. Unlike Möbius Strip, it is controlled: in order to mark a product with a “Green Dot”, you need to pay a license fee, which is included in the price of the product. Most often it is used at home: the manufacturer of products with the "Green Dot" has the ownership of the packaging, so after traveling to the trash can, it returns to it for recycling. There are a lot of goods with this in Russia, but here it is rather useless - with the sorting of garbage and recycling, as you know, things are not very good in our country.

European Union eco label

The label was developed and introduced in 2001 for the countries of the European Union. “Eco-label” is one of the marks that can be trusted: in order to put it on the packaging, the manufacturer will have to pass a check on compliance with environmental standards. Such an icon on the package, by the way, does not at all mean the absence of components of animal origin or complete safety for the environment - they even mark products containing truly hazardous substances. However, if you see Eco Label, it means that their number is reduced, and production is organized in such a way as to minimize harm to the environment.

Leaf of life

Having found on the packaging an internationally recognized Russian label, one has only to rejoice - perhaps there are no analogues of this sign in Russia. It refers to the marks that guarantee safety and compliance with environmental standards at all stages of production: from the collection of raw materials to processing. I came up with the "Leaf of Life" Ecological Union based in St. Petersburg, and those who want to get it will have to be certified. The organization’s website says that eco-labeling is a “new effective marketing tool”, but what to do - and the tool is, of course, not the worst.

Blue angel

This cinematic label is the first eco-label developed in Europe. This is the rare case when the state took part in the creation of a system regulating the eco-friendly turnover of products: it was invented and introduced in Germany with the support of several ministries. In Russia, this icon is most often found on the packaging of household appliances and building materials. In Europe, the Blue Angel is trusted as a symbol of high quality products - again, it does not guarantee absolutely peaceful production standards, but promises harm minimization. In order to get the "Angel", you need to meet certain and not the most difficult criteria relating primarily to solving the problem of pollution.

Ozone Friendly CFC Free

The icon with the image of the globe should be searched for on all products packaged as aerosols: it means that there are no substances in the composition that lead to the destruction of the ozone layer. Considering that the latter is one of the main environmental problems today, it’s worth looking for such markings on deodorants and varnishes. And keep the note "CFC Free" in mind when buying a refrigerator: the struggle goes primarily for the absence of harmful substances-refrigerants - chlorofluorocarbons.

Scandinavian swan

Beautiful symbol adopted in the Scandinavian countries: Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland. The environmental standards in this corner of the world are tough, and after receiving the marking, the control becomes permanent: the passport is valid for three years, during which further verification takes place. The Scandinavian Swan ensures that nature was not harmed at any stage of the production: the packaging was recycled and the animals did not suffer. The requirements of the "Swan" are updated in accordance with the technical progress and modern environmental conditions.

Eco label

This caring sign was developed by the Japanese Association for Environmental Protection, and it is necessary to look for it, as it is easy to guess, on products from Japan - this is one of the most recognizable markings in the country. Another “full cycle” certificate implying environmental friendliness at all stages of production, however, it is possible to meet it, like the flower of the European Union, on not the most harmless products. In the first place, “Eco-label” means a reduced threat to the environment (which, we recall, does not guarantee the “naturalness” of the product or its safety for humans).

Not tested on animals

A very important sign for those who care about animals. The most popular among others is the British, whose sketchy rabbit is also found on Russian packages. It was the United Kingdom that was the first to abandon the cruel and inefficient ways to test products. The mark ensures that the product and its components are not tested on animals. If the ingredients are purchased on the side of the contract, then ethics is usually difficult to track down - it is not surprising that such labeling is more often found on products of large corporations that regulate production from and to.


This joyful sunflower is also from Britain. It is not the only one of its kind, but only it has spread really widely - with very strict product requirements. He came up with the Vegan Society, a vegan organization with a history of more than fifty years. This labeling means the complete absence of animal components in products and may look different - invariably only an image of a large letter V. A sign is used all over the world, and companies that take this responsibility pay membership fees in favor of the Vegan Society - they are given away for charity.

Illustrations: Dasha Chertanova

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