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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Self-help book Gillian Anderson for women

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A year and a half ago, Jillian Anderson told me that, together with her friend, journalist Jennifer Naydel, she wrote a self-help book. "We: A Manifesto for Women Everywhere", designed primarily for young women, is finally available for pre-order. "The statistics on suicide among teenagers are higher than ever - when I learned about it, I decided to act," the actress said. which will help them deal with problems. "

The book is built around nine principles: honesty, acceptance, courage, trust, humility, peacefulness, love, joy and kindness. The authors say that they do not offer ready-made solutions that will help women get "everything at once" - instead, they talk about techniques that helped them to feel freer and happier.

The publication will go on sale March 7, 2017, and now it can be ordered at a discount. The electronic version of the book for the Kindle will cost even less - you can buy it for $ 12.99.

Photo: Amazon

Watch the video: We: A Manifesto for Women Everywhere by Gillian Anderson. Your best books. self-help (December 2024).

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