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Instruction: How to wash your hair so that your hair feels good

margarita virova

Although the cleansing of the hair and scalp is included in the category of basic hygienic procedures, the answer to the question of how to do it correctly will not be superfluous. For hair, washing is a traumatic process: wet locks are much more prone to breakage and damage, and improper means and methods of washing can also harm their appearance. We tell how to carry out a daily ritual without consequences: it is not difficult at all.

It is natural for hair to dry and split at the ends. Nevertheless, thorough care is able to make them softer, more obedient and more voluminous - and further down the wish list, as long as it is neat. In this case, it is the scalp that first of all needs to be paid attention to when choosing a remedy, and when determining a comfortable washing frequency. It has all the same characteristics as the skin of the face: oily produces more sebum, and dry peels more often. People with non-reactive scalp, which are suitable shampoos marked "for normal hair", however, it is also better to choose a sparing means. Ultimate cleansing, in essence, does not suit approximately anyone.

If you use styling products on a daily basis, then washing your head daily is justified. Such means are arranged in such a way that they form a film and are more likely to attract pollution, which, moreover, will remain on your pillow. Shampoos and conditioners at the same time it is better to choose soft ones: these are full of “green” brands, and also means good for colored hair, which contain less aggressive surfactants - they are most often the source of problems.

For a daily ritual, take it as a rule to reduce the amount of money - even if your shampoo seems to be perfectly conflict-free. For example, use a small pea shampoo to first cleanse the scalp and hair roots, rinse off any residues, and use conditioner over the length. The latter also contain cleansing ingredients in small quantities, however, sufficient to remove varnish or mousse.

In principle, banal hygiene recommends cleansing the hair as it gets dirty. Unfortunately, frequent washing, which has become a habit, deprives the scalp of its own protective abilities, and quite often, in response, it begins to produce only more sebum, peel off and deliver tangible suffering. If this happens, then deliberately take breaks: wash your head every day, and every other day, temporarily refuse hot styling and wait for the reaction. As a rule, in cases where your troubles are due to excessively diligent cleansing, within two to four weeks of such a mild approach, the skin will return to normal itself. The drier the skin and hair, the less often it is necessary to clean them; owners of porous wavy hair are often advised to switch to a suitable coaching, implying an almost complete rejection of shampoo. More on this later, but for now let's turn to other general rules.

If for the scalp the rules of care should be selected individually, then for the hair the laws work almost the same: wet hair, regardless of their type, breaks with enthusiasm. This is especially good for them if you massage the head, gathering up all the mass of hair. So before you wet them, comb them properly, and then proceed to the sequential application and washing off. Shampoo should be well spread over the surface of the head, slightly beat the foam and wash off, throwing the head back.

It is necessary to massage with pads of fingers, trying not to scratch the skin - microtraumas are inappropriate on any part of the body, and even more so under the hair. Then everyone has different rituals, but somehow the mask and the conditioner follow the shampoo - in that order. By the way, if you do not have the task to restore the hair or make it more docile, do not abuse the layers of specialized products: they often make the hair heavier, and on healthy and docile hair they will not give a wow effect.

Before applying the mask or conditioner, the hair should be slightly dried, so that the product simply does not drain to the bottom of the bath with water. It is not necessary to squeeze strongly - we remember about fragility, - it is better to do it carefully, blotting the length with a well-absorbing towel. Masks, conditioners and other thick oily agents are applied in small portions: with an average length, for example, they are conditionally oriented to the volume of a tablespoon. Then you do not need to literally "wash" the predatory substance from the hair, it will be enough just to rinse them with plenty of water.

It is worth remembering that the quality of water often leaves much to be desired - and if you have sensitive skin, you should not hang out in it for too long, so as not to get dry and allergic. Minimize damage is quite simple. Make it a rule not to rinse the hair with hot water, let it be at room temperature, and even oily skin will be better for oily scalp. Hot water strips the skin and causes a natural expansion of the pores, which is why the bulbs readily fall out, and you find on the comb the material for a decent winter scarf. If you wash your head before going to bed, set aside ten minutes to dry your hair - a dream with a wet head is fraught with the same creases and injuries that we diligently tried to avoid above.

The last rule is that hair care should be customized to their needs - it means getting rid of all the excess. Do not be afraid to remove the shampoo or blow-dry, if your hair indicates that the usual way they are not suitable. As already mentioned, dry and porous hair can be made easier with the use of a coosh, in which you use a special conditioner for everyday cleansing (look for a “cleansing” label on the package), and use shampoo once a week or less to remove impurities more thoroughly.

If the scalp is oily, then it is worth trying to normalize it by increasing the intervals between washing procedures: there is a temptation to add a peeling for the scalp containing abrasive particles to its hygienic routine, but it, alas, often provokes further disturbances. However, it’s worth a try on the condition that you’ll use it no more than once a week in small quantities - for some it is suitable as a preventive “big wash”. Although the best recipe in this case is to leave the scalp and hair roots at maximum, and dry shampoo will help to bring them into a conventional look.

Photo: Hairs Russia (1, 2), Lamoda (1, 2), Fresh Hair, Hairs & Beauty, Pudra, Paul Mitchell, Cosmetics Online

Watch the video: 9 Tips to Keep Hair Clean and Voluminous Longer (December 2024).

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