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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Choose the most amazing film of the year

Epochs replace each other, and cinema is still the most important of the arts. We will never trade films for anything: serious and funny, grandiose and chamber, fantastic epics and extremely realistic dramas. After all, we still love it when art takes us out of the comfort zone and confronts uncomfortable questions, and also raise an eyebrow when we are held for fools. Therefore, summing up the year, we decided to name the main movie title not the “main film of the year”, but “the most amazing”: here were pictures that somehow hit us in the outgoing year. We, of course, are talking about films that could be seen in the Russian box office (sometimes a year after the world premiere) or, ahem, on the Internet. With one caveat - here we also included the film "Interview", which has not yet come out, perhaps it will never come out, but it has already surprised us. Given the complexity of the choice, we added the ability to vote for any five points.

Watch the video: He has to choose between his greatest loves. Clip from 'A Journey Through Time' (December 2024).

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