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Editor'S Choice - 2025

Best of the Year: Wonderzine Readers' Choice

This year we asked our readers to independently sum up the year and select the best of the best. We tell who became the winner of 2014 in the nominations "Best serial finale", "Main song", "Best new series", "The most amazing film", "The book, from which it was impossible to break away", "The coolest role" and " The best movie about relationships. " We suggest you compare the results with your personal feelings - how it turned out revealing and whether the expectations were met.

Best serial finale of the year

"How I Met your mother"

This year ended several cool series, with which it was hard for us to part. The bloody adventures of the heroes of "True Blood" in Louisiana, as well as the intrigues of Steve Buscemi in the "Underground Empire", came to an end. However, the most spectacular of all, in the opinion of our readers, was the series “How I Met Your Mother,” which collected a third of the votes. The reaction to the final show was not definitely positive. If you are unhappy with what version of the final was shown on television, then you can always choose a more pleasant version released on DVD. The Sons of Anarchy slightly got to the first place, and the third most popular were the adventures of David Duchovny in Freaky California.

The main song of the year

"Happy" by Farrell Williams

For the second consecutive year, Farrell Williams makes a song that neither old nor young can get rid of. What is the secret of the musician, only he knows, so that you can already prepare for a new triumphal track next year. In second place was Sia with "Chandelier", and in third, surprisingly, Lorde with "Yellow Flicker Beat", recorded for the last "Hunger Games".

The best new series of the year

"Real Detective"

No one doubted: McConaughey and Harrelson conquered us back in January in the series on the script of Nick Pitstsolato and filmed by Carey Joji Fukunaga. In our world, where pop cultural phenomena replace each other at the speed of light, making such a series that they won't forget it almost a year after the premiere is truly an achievement. “Fargo”, another success of the outgoing year, did not even come close to the first place, and the third one was the beautiful series “Nicerkoker Hospital” Soderbergh.

The most amazing film of the year

"Hotel Grand Budapest" "

Fans of Nolan may begin to vomit and toss: our readers have recognized the new film by Wes Anderson as the most amazing film of this year. We are happy to give him a prize: if you are not sure why, read our material, in which we explain in detail why we love Anderson. The pretentious "Interstellar" was second, and the third place was taken by "She" Spike Jonza with disembodied Scarlett Johansson and whiskered Joaquin Fenix.

The book of the year, from which it was impossible to break away

Goldfinch by Donna Tartt

Tartt's delightful novel instantly captured the hearts of readers in Russia, although it was literally a couple of weeks ago. We had no doubt that the main writer of this year would be the winner, recognized almost unanimously. In second place was the undeniably useful book by Meg Jay "Important Years. Why you shouldn’t save life for later," which we strongly recommend to read in the coming year, and the third was shared by I - Malala by Malala Yusufzai and Light Worlds by Tatiana Tolstoy.

The coolest role of the year

Matthew McConaughey at the Dallas Shoppers Club

We deliberately did not begin to insert into the survey a point with Matthew McConaughey in Interstellar, however, no one doubted that he would outrun all his rivals. We really hoped that Scarlett Johansson would be the best, but the readers reasoned differently. However, the omnipresent Texan almost overtook Rosamund Pike from the Disappeared. In third place was DiCaprio sad. No merit does not help the actor to take at least some prize - even in our survey, what can we say about the Oscar.

The best film of the year about relationships

The "Disappeared" by David Fincher

The novel with the operating system ("She") could not replace real relationships with real people ("Disappeared"), and remained in third place. The vampires of Jarmusch could not be bypassed by the rest: the ancient and beautiful Swinton and Hiddleston from "Only Lovers Survive" took the second place. The “Disappeared” won, of course, - which is to say, no matter how obvious this choice may be, it’s impossible not to agree with it - Fincher’s new film came to the point.

Photo: cover image - Courtesy of adidas

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