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Editor'S Choice - 2024

How to cope with the autumn depression?

A heavy hat from the clouds descends on the city, headlines in newspapers are getting worse, and every day it is getting harder to force yourself to leave the house. Even the release of iOS 7 only a couple of days is able to distract from thoughts of ashes and hopelessness. And November is still ahead. Wonderzine refuses to indulge in decadent moods and asked the psychotherapist Olga Miloradova to explain how we live to see the first snow.

How to cope with the autumn depression?

 Olga Miloradova psychotherapist

There are two theories explaining the causes of the autumn depression. One is biochemical, the other is psychological. From the point of view of biochemistry, everything depends on the duration of the sunny day and the production of neurotransmitters. The smaller the sun outside the window, the lower the production of serotonin, norepinephrine in the body, as well as, according to a number of theories, dopamine - this leads to a decrease in happiness in its pure form and a decrease in physical activity in general.

People become lethargic, apathetic, more and more difficult to force myself to do something. From a psychological point of view, it can also be said that what depresses most of all is that the day is shorter, the sun is diminishing, it rains often, and sometimes you don’t want to go out at all. Plus, many of us still have children's associations with the fact that summer is rest and holidays, and autumn is a return to business, problems and schools.

Sport and any physical activity will partially compensate for our biochemical deficiency.

What to do if the mood to hell, around the gray and dog cold and wake up every day it becomes harder and harder? Sport and any physical activity partially compensate for our biochemical deficiency. It is highly recommended to have more sex, or at least to have it at all: the level of serotonin will immediately go up. Such measures as the best illumination of the space where you spend your day, good old contrast showers and herbal teas will not interfere either. If everything is completely gloomy, then you can drink tincture of Hypericum, which has an antidepressant effect, as well as visit the solarium (ultraviolet microdoses may be useful). Well, if you really feel bad, all the funds do not help or the onset of autumn coincided with other life problems, then do not pull and always contact a psychotherapist.

Watch the video: Video: Learn About Seasonal Affective Disorder (April 2024).

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