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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Healthy habits of powerlifter Anna Calipsodellmar

IN RUBRIC "LIFESTYLE" we ask different people about healthy lifestyles with a human face: we talk about the importance of taking care of yourself and pleasant ways to make life more comfortable. In the new edition of the master of sports in powerlifting, bodybuilder and ambassador brand Reebok Anna Calipsodellmar tells how she trains, what she eats and how she lives to feel good.

"GOOD FEELING" for me it means to be content with life. I can enjoy the moment when the body and soul are in harmony.

SPORT NUMBER ONE FOR ME WAS POWERLIFTING. I almost immediately found what I liked. Even now, when I became a master of sports, I recollect my first training sessions.

REMIND OF THE PROGRESS “THE BEST IS THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD”, I did not chase after new trends, but remained true to my sport and step by step I develop. Sometimes I try new types of activity and share impressions with subscribers on instagram, but, as a rule, with a trial lesson, everything ends.

WITH A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH IT IS POSSIBLE TO GET MUSCLE MASS in a few months. It may seem that the food "on the ground" - a pure utopia: eat more, that's all. Yes, you need to consume more calories per day than you spend, but you need to take them not from Big Taste or cake. And it's a pity - I really love fried and fat, and still eat at night.

IF YOU WANT TO FIND A PLACE IN LIFE FOR SPORT, you need to understand what motivates you: beautiful sportswear, music, the process of training itself or the desired result, a coach or a partner.

WHEN SELECTING A TRAINER make sure he understands your goals well and does not impose anything. First of all, you should be comfortable.

In my diet, many proteins and carbohydrates and enough fats. The number of meals is very important - I personally have seven or nine. I recently wrote on Instagram: "You are addicted to food." Yes, and I am not ashamed of it: it is impossible to build muscles from the air.

WHOM DOES MORNING TO PM HAVE A TON chicken breast and cottage cheese? No wonder they invented sports nutrition: it simplifies individual meals and does not disturb the balance in the diet. A protein shake will provide the necessary protein in a couple of minutes, and a gainer will solve the carbohydrate issue. Gainer can be cooked at home - from oatmeal, milk, bananas and honey.

RECENTLY I UNDERSTAND THAT I DO NOT WANT TO SPEAK AT THE COMPETITIONS. Endless cycles of weight gain and drying are behind: now my weight is 60 kg and has been holding for more than half a year. I do boxing three times a week and twice training my lower body in the gym. After each class - stretching. I am dissatisfied with the proportions of my muscles and continue to work on the body.

EARLIER I AGAINED AT ITS AGE. Like, how is it: I'm thirty, I feel at twenty-five, and my man is twenty-three at all. Over time, I revised my view of age, and in many ways my partner helped me.

HEALTH IS ABOVE. I undergo a full medical examination every year and am pleased with the result. When I was engaged in powerlifting, I additionally did MRI every six months or a year - it is very important to monitor the spine when working with heavy weights.

ALL MY TRAVELS ARE CONNECTED WITH AN ACTIVE REST - snowboarding, surfing and so on. Morning usually begins with a run and an easy workout with stretching.

NOW SPORT IS OFTEN CHARGED. But, if the work on the body, observation of its changes or regular "release" of energy does not particularly interest you, it is not necessary to go in for sports at all. For health, a fifteen-minute charge in the morning and a walk in the fresh air are enough.

Watch the video: BODYBUILDING vs WEIGHTLIFTING vs POWERLIFTING - Dorian Yates on London Real (April 2024).

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