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Editor'S Choice - 2025

Lesya Paramonova, designer of the brand LES '

The heroines of the first Wonderzine publication do different things - they edit magazines and websites, open stores, invent clothes, arrange meals, sing in a group, do art and manage international companies. One thing unites them - everything that they do causes the processes around to accelerate. They are energetic, professional, self-sufficient and attract the same to them. No wonder almost everyone asked the question "What girls inspire you?" They answer that they do not know how to equal people who they personally do not know. But on their own equal other girls who will become our heroines very soon.

How has your project changed over the year - since you showed the first collection?

It is still too early to talk about global changes, but I noticed that I am becoming much bolder and more collected, I feel a great responsibility. I set myself a task - be good to perform it by any means. The time for idleness and long searches is over: LES'- is no longer me alone, but a whole team of professional people.

What girls inspire you?

Those who work a lot make a high-quality and original product and at the same time do not lose humanity. In modern girls, there must be resistance to weather conditions and unmatched qualities: strength and weakness, pressure and gentleness, intelligence and lightness, purposefulness and calmness. I notice changes in the girls around me, and they are not always encouraging. Most of all, the superficiality grieves in relation to practically everything, as well as lack of interest in work and study. I do not see the burning eyes, but I would very much like to. I respect my extraordinarily talented friend Maniche - she is not only a wonderful singer, but also a composer.

What happens to cultural life in Moscow?

I adore Oldich Dress & Drink. The atmosphere that prevails in this place teleports me to an unknown parallel world where time goes on as usual, and smells and furnishings make you feel like a hero of some kind of mystical film. Favorite cinema - "Illusion". Here you can watch the masterpieces of world cinema, not in contact with the rabid crowd who came to the next Hollywood blockbuster. Well, I love the Botanical Garden with a fantastic stock greenhouse.

What do you miss in Moscow?

A person is always missing something, it's not about Moscow or in some other city. I have a second reality called LES ', which fills all the gaps of reality, and I feel like a completely happy person.

I set myself a task - be good to perform it by any means.


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