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Bookmarks: Rescue site for people with allergies

IN RUBRIC "IN BOOKMARKS" We talk about websites and online services - both useful and completely useless, but funny and amazing - which, in fact, should be added to favorites or added to the RSS-feed.


No matter how convenient it is to watch the weather forecast in the application on the phone, extended versions on meteorological sites contain more information. For example, weather.com has a tool that allows you to find out about the level of major allergens in the right place: in the Russian version of the site it is called “Allergy Tracker”, and in the English version - “allergy tracker”.

The forecast for allergens can be viewed both for today and for the coming days. The system separately shows allergens of trees, grasses and weeds, marking one of the five categories with corresponding colors: from dark green, if no pollen is detected, to red, when the probability of allergic reactions is very high.

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Watch the video: Can You Rescue the Royal Family? (December 2024).

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