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Editor'S Choice - 2025

What to do in the fall: 5 trends in beauty and health

End of August - the traditional time of comprehension of the events of the season. We analyzed the events of recent months and painted five wellness trends that hurt us for life and under which the whole world will soon fall.

Strange food


Let be we shake our heads disapprovingly at the insanity of Americans on kronatas and s'more-ice cream, but if Korean Dunkin 'Donuts otrefleksiroval and in two months set up the production of its kronat (however, with the more elegant name "New York Pie Donut"), to deny the tendency is stupid . Two weeks ago, on blogs and websites, they began to discuss another strange thing: a ramen-burger with noodles “buns”; enthusiasts have already figured out how to cook it. The other day, Coca-Cola has released a new "Coke", but it is at least low-calorie. In general, we are anxious and look forward to the continuation of the story.

Greetings from the future


The most fantastic thing the last time - a drink that can replace food. Fully. About Soylent everything already seems to be in the know, but this is not the only such thing. Ambro is almost completely (90%) the organic analog of Soylent. The latter, despite its full potential (cost savings, time and sufficient nutritional value), is not strongly trusted due to not very clear ingredients like magnesium gluconate and calcium carbonate. Ambro, for the most part, consists of the usual foods: almond, brown rice, spinach, nettle and all that. We do not know how the rest, and our sympathy for organic cosmetics, it seems, has spread to this food of the future. The Ambro team says that their website will start accepting product orders from week to week.



That girls plus technology equals love, is understood and accepted by everyone (we advise doubters to subscribe to the LadyBits medium stream). Everyone is so accustomed to gadgets that narrow-profile appliances, such as a fork that regulates the speed of eating and thus helping to lose weight, do not seem to be something abnormal. Actually, we recommend looking at this very HAPIfork plug and the new W / Me and Basis bracelets: the first one allows you to conduct an ECG yourself and monitor your breathing, while the second tracks the quality and duration of sleep.



Anyway, new running in the near future will not be anything. But the change of seasons is a natural reason why many people transfer training from the street to the gym. Not everyone likes to ride a longboard or a bike through the puddles, but you can work out eaten митballs indoors, thanks to the video games (for example, Zumba dance and Dance Central). Well, we anticipate the imminent influx of visitors to fitness centers, the benefit there is also something to do without dying from boredom.

Self-education and health


Use Internet for development, not entertainment (well, sometimes you can look at cats) - rather, not a trend, but one of those decisions that really change life for the better. Resources for self-education is now a dime a dozen, and you can learn the most different things, there would be a desire. Coursera is one of the most popular projects in this area (mini-quest: try among your friends to find someone who does not have at least one not completed course), but not the only one. At Class Central, for example, on September 9, a four-week course of Food, Nutrition & Your Health will begin: we strongly recommend it if you have long wanted to understand how the diet affects health, nutrients and eating disorders. Coursera itself is recruiting courses on methods and methods of contraception, basic on genetics and medicines (other tags can be found in the Health & Society, Food and Nutrition and Biology & Life Sciences tags, but these are the ones we are most interested in).

Watch the video: The Beauty Trend Glass Skin and How to Get It (January 2025).

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