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Editor'S Choice - 2024

The book of Olga Lukinskaya "How to dream to come true"

TELLING about interesting, useful, beautiful, strange or smart things you want to buy immediately.

399 rub.

Alpina Publisher

The publishing house Alpina Publisher publishes a book by our editor in the Health section on setting goals, time management, and the balance between work, family, and self-interest. Olya Lukinskaya tells how she learned the Spanish language for the love of art (literally), did not dare to change her profession radically several times, learned how to set priorities - and what conclusions she came from such a complex experience as an illegal stay in the country for several months.

According to Lukinskaya, many simply do not dare to make a step towards their dreams, or they think that their realization is unreal, they need some huge resources or millions of incomes. "Of course, I had certain privileges - I was born in a full family, not in the poorest country, without problems with access to education or medical care. But there are many such people, and it’s still difficult for them to make a decision or take the first step towards something like a new job or place of residence. My dreams come true, and I want to tell you why this is happening. " While pre-order is available, and on sale the book in paper and electronic form will appear on April 27.

Watch the video: Dream Come True - The BeerBiceps Office Tour (May 2024).

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