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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Who to subscribe to: Billie's body shaving instagram instagram

CONTINUE TO TELL about decent accounts in social networks through which you can view the whole world.

You may remember Billie on the bodipositive commercial. A company that sells shaving products is against glossy standards of beauty, and also reminds that everyone has body hair and shaving them, in general, is not at all necessary (which is especially great against the background of the usual advertising, the heroines of which are absolutely smooth legs). In addition, the company opposes the "tax on pink" - a situation where women pay much more for similar men's goods. Moreover, the company donates 1% of all revenues to charities that help women.

If you are not using shaving products, it makes sense to subscribe to Billie's instagram anyway. Body-positive advertising campaigns, footage from the cartoons "Oh, These Babes" and "Daria", photos of Spice Girls and Beyonce - all this will pleasantly dilute the tape.

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