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Bookmarks: LGBT Sex Blog QueerTips

IN RUBRIC "IN BOOKMARKS" We talk about websites and online services - both useful and completely useless, but funny and amazing - which, in fact, should be added to favorites or added to the RSS-feed.


We have already spoken about the need for sex education more than once - and not only in childhood, but also in adulthood: those who did not receive enough knowledge in school years have to fill them up later. But even in the most meticulous courses, some aspects of sexual relations are still ignored - especially when it comes to same-sex couple or those whose identity does not fit into the binary gender system. This is where the QueerTips blog comes in - a project of the organization Planned Parenthood, which deals with reproductive health issues.

The goal of QueerTips is to provide the necessary information about sex to members of the LGBT community: here you can also find statistics, news, useful links, advice, information about psychological and physical health, quotes, answers to readers' questions and much more. At the same time, the resource is useful not only for LGBT people - there is a lot of general knowledge that will be useful to everyone: for example, information about sexually transmitted infections, hygiene, contraception, as well as techniques and techniques that help care for their psychological health.

Watch the video: Easy Paper Monster & Owl Corner Bookmarks (December 2024).

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