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The power of whites: How gay nationalists appeared and why they fell in love with Trump

In his youth, Jack Donovan lived in new york, worked as a go-go dancer, hung out with drag-queen and went to gay parades. But he soon gave up a career in the art industry, became involved in fights without rules, and decided that he would no longer call himself gay. Donovan became an "androphil" and a laborer.

“I can't call myself gay, as this word means much more than an attraction to a man of the same sex. The word“ gay ”implies a political movement that supports man-hating feminism, a victim mentality and leftist views. To be masculine, it is not necessary to have sex with women, "he writes in his book Androphilia: Manifesto: Denying Gay Identity and Affirmation of Masculinity."

In Donovan's view, androphiles are homosexuals who believe in the rights of only one social group — white cis-gender men: “If masculinity is a religion, then the androphiles will become its priests.” Donovan is a radical opponent of gender equality, LGBT solidarity, and most importantly, multiculturalism.

Androphilia is a new movement for American politics, which is fully explained by the popularity of the new right, or "alt-Wright" (an ultra-conservative political movement that emerged during the 2016 presidential election and was inspired by the sudden popularity of Donald Trump). In his concept, Donovan rethinks male homosexuality, believing that gays should concentrate on asserting the superiority of white men.

Androphils do not need LGBT support, if only because, according to Donovan, all lesbians are crazy about feminism, and the queer movement as a whole exposes men as victims, which is fundamentally wrong. In his books, the ultra-right homosexual writes that men must "form flocks and special camps" where they can live among their own kind, strong people.

Donovan himself has already found his flock - he joined the extremist group "Wolves Vinanda", which organized its permanent forest settlement in the state of Virginia. Unlike Donovan, its other members are heterosexual, moreover, open neo-Nazis (androphil himself speaks less about national minorities). Vinanda Wolves regularly perform neo-pagan rituals, which is a real jackpot for Donovan as a lover of Satanism and other occult practices. You can see how Donovan himself lives - without a doubt, a conventionally handsome, sporty-looking man - in his instagram, where he already got a small army of fans. True, it is not clear - fans appreciate in him a political idea or an archetypical dominant in BDSM aesthetics.

Daddy Trump

But not all alt-Wright homosexuals flaunt their masculinity. During the 2016 US elections, Donald Trump became the “daddy” (as right-handed gay people call him) for many young people. "Twinks for Trump" (an approximate translation of the definition - pretty gay people for Trump) - this is the name of the art project that Lucian Wintrich made - a photographer from New York and a big supporter of the current president.

Wintrich photographed young guys semi-naked, often trying to present models intentionally androgynous and objectified. Fur coats, coats, large shiny jewelery and cropped tops, and most importantly, caps with the words "Make America Great Again", were used. "Many Americans laugh at Trump's supporters, portraying them as middle-aged, obese people from the backwoods, stupid, not knowing what they are talking about. I wanted to show attractive gay guys from New York in Tramp's baseball caps to challenge the liberals" - tells Wintrich, an exemplary millennial from the metropolis with pleasant creative work, who calls himself a "conservative libertarian."

#DADDYWILLSAVEUS ("Daddy will save us") - under this hashtag Wintrich launched his art project in support of Trump. But how can an ultra-right politician help a young gay man from New York? Wintrich believes that in the US there are no more serious problems with the LGBT community, because same-sex marriage was allowed at the federal level. While the photographer considers migrants to be the real danger: “Cruel people come to us who believe in a cruel ideology, and for some strange reason, we have to let them in. They are the ones who dream of gay massacres. So Donald Trump was the only candidate who saw it. "

Wintrich ceased to call himself Alt-Wright after this word became associated with the famous neo-Nazi Richard Spencer, who called for the killing of African Americans. “Now many of us have jokingly called ourselves alt-layts. I don’t support black killing or any kind of violence at all,” Wintrich says. His love for Trump is explained by his faith in the free market, anti-globalism, and a tight migration policy.

At one time, Wintrich worked closely with the discredited alt-Wright icon - journalist Milo Jannopoulos, who is also an open homosexual and during the last presidential election in the United States was one of the main figures in the Donald Trump public campaign.

Post-truth demon

Milo's path to fame began during the online confrontation of Gamergate, where misinformation in the field of computer games was discussed. Milo can not tolerate feminists, so in this dispute took the position of the enemy of any political correctness. Because of his attacks, computer games developer Brianna Wu was forced to move and hire a bodyguard. Milo provoked the programmer's harassment: at one point, her home address was posted on Reddit — and a huge number of threats fell upon the girl with promises to rape her.

Milo is a journalist specializing in new technologies, which is probably why he is so savvy about trolling and viral utterances on the Web. He began his career in the British edition of The Daily Telegraph, and after his dismissal from there he created his own website The Kernal, which quickly fell into decay, as he did not pay the authors fees. During this time, he managed to become famous provocative texts, for example about why women work worse in the technological sphere. Already then, in the UK, Milo was invited as a scandalous speaker on a TV show, where he showed himself to be a brilliant populist speaker.

On the eve of the presidential election, Milo was invited to move to the States and become a columnist for Breitbart News, whose editor-in-chief is Steve Bannon (now Donald Trump, senior strategic adviser). Milo, in turn, regularly released outrageous columns that collected huge traffic, and in parallel worked on his political career. It included performances on the largest federal channels, and trolling and bullying in social networks. True, he was quickly banned on Twitter: Milo set his readers on actress Leslie Jones, who played in the new version of Ghostbusters. He wrote that Leslie looks like a "black dude."

"If someone thinks you are a racist, come to their facebook and spam the whole wall with a swastika," is Milo's main principle, who is happy about the onset of the post-truth era. Feminists, democrats, fighters for the rights of minorities seem to him boring and outdated, because they have not learned to deal with such trolls as Milo and the army of his supporters in social networks and image boards. "Feminists always pretend to be victims, not realizing that in our time there is no privacy. Let them get used to it," said Milo after Leslie Jones began to receive threats, and someone leaked her home address to the Web.

"If someone thinks you are a racist, come to their facebook and spam the whole wall with a swastika," is Milo's main principle, who is happy about the onset of the post-truth era

Milo "likes being vicious," so he chose to be alt-Wright, breaking the standard pattern on left-wing homosexuals. He allowed himself to appear in public as a drag queen, persecute a trans-woman who faced toilet discrimination at the university, declare that he had sex only with African Americans, establish a university grant only for white men, and for ten years to meet with a Muslim hate islam

But Milo's greatest fame came from his public speaking at universities all over the country. At Stanford, the journalist talked about the flaws in female intelligence, at Yale he dressed in an Indian suit and talked about cultural appropriation. All this is an obvious provocation, which at first caused fair actions with posters and slogans on the part of students, and then completely turned into a fire at the University of Berkeley, where students burned flares and smoke bombs in Milo's revenge.

Milo became a real star: he was sponsored by businessmen, and a large publishing house signed a contract to publish a book for 250 thousand dollars. But everything ended after Alt-Wright announced that he did not see anything wrong with the sexual relations of 13–15-year-olds and adults. According to him, such a relationship helps children find love that parents do not give them. "And you know what? I am grateful to Father Michael. I would never even have learned how to do blowjob so well if it were not for him," Milo joked.

At this point, Milo went too far. Everybody turned away from him: Breitbart News, the Republican Party, the publishing house, and on Twitter they massively demand his deportation from the country. The political career of the troll and the provocateur ended at the most unexpected moment for him, but the right uplift among LGBT people did not stop there.

European queer populism

In the last presidential elections in France, according to data from the popular social network for homosexuals Hornet, in the first round, one in five gays voted for the candidate of the right-wing National Front party, Marin Le Pen, who advocates tough anti-migrant legislation. This result is comparable with the election results in the country (recall that in the first round, Le Pen was supported by 21% of the French).

“I’m not only worried about LGBT rights, France has far more serious problems: the economic situation, national debt and unemployment,” said open-back homosexual Cedric, who studies engineering. In his opinion, it is precisely the “right turn” in the economy that modern France needs. Frenchman Pascal decided to vote for Le Pen, but for a different reason: “Where are gays in the greatest danger? Of course, in Islamist countries where people like me can even be killed. I don’t want these people to come to France ".

Migration problems are indeed becoming the main reason for the popularity of right-wing populists among LGBT people. After the terrorist attack at a gay club in Orlando, Florida in 2016, which killed fifty people, many homosexuals looked right - especially in Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands.

According to one of the versions, Omar Matin, who arranged the massacre, was also gay, but because of the pressure of cultural norms, he felt a great sense of guilt because of this. For the majority, this was just another reason to discuss social and religious pressure on LGBT people, while the far-right politicians went the other way.

Wilders stressed that it is Islam that represents the main threat to its traditionally tolerant country. "If someone beats up homosexuals - you know, they are Muslims"

Geert Wilders, head of the Dutch Party for Freedom, used the situation to score points for homosexuals. Holland is the first country in the world where gay marriages were legalized (the law was passed in 2001), so Wilders resisted that it was Islam that represented the main threat to its traditionally tolerant country. “Gays can be in great danger because of mass migration. If someone beats up homosexuals - you know, they are Muslims. Amsterdam has traditionally been considered the gay capital of Europe, but because of migrants it comes to an end,” says one of the founders for freedom "Martin Bosma.

Wilders is the man who told Trump about the need to turn to the LGBT community. He even came up with a similar slogan: “Give us Holland back” (“Make the Netherlands our again” by analogy with “Make America great again”).

Of course, all the talk about the danger of migrants for homosexuals - populist slogans that have little to do with reality. According to a study by the Dutch Ministry of Justice in 2009, only 14% of crimes motivated by homophobia are committed by migrants, all others by people of Dutch origin. Tanya Ineke, president of the Dutch LGBT organization COC Netherlands, says that the “Party for Freedom” Wilders became an LGBT supporter suspiciously late, before that she launched a campaign against the initiative to simplify the receipt of new documents for transgender people and only against the background of recent events decided to attract additional electorate .

Wilders, unlike Trump, has a clear ideology: nationalism, xenophobia and Islamophobia, says Sara de Lange, a professor of political science at the University of Amsterdam. The ban on the Koran, the tax on hijabs, the closure of all mosques and borders for migrants, as well as the withdrawal of the Netherlands from the European Union - this is the minimal program of a right-wing populist who thinks that European values ​​- freedom, democracy, human rights - are incompatible with Islam.

A similar rise of nationalism among LGBT people can be seen in Sweden. For the second year in a row, an unofficial gay pride has been held there in the Tensta and Hasbi districts in Stockholm, whose population is about 75% Muslim. Event organizer, Jan Shunnesson, a journalist and teacher, believes that gay parades are held in Stockholm in fundamentally wrong places. “In such areas, LGBT people can still be attacked, so this is our way to overcome intolerance,” said Yang, who is known for his publications in ultraconservative publications.

The problems of white people

In recent years, LGBT rights have gradually faded into the background for community members themselves. Legalization of same-sex marriage, growing tolerance and liberal values ​​have done their job: in developed European countries, homosexuals began to feel more secure and less concerned about discrimination. Many gays no longer need to be left-wing activists. Now they have the opportunity to start a family, to equip quite a bourgeois life in the suburbs of large cities and even vote for ultraconservative politicians.

The main face of this turn can be considered the new leader of the ultra-right German party "Alternative for Germany" Alisa Weidel. In Germany, gay marriage is still not legalized, but there is their counterpart - civil partnerships, which include almost the same list of rights as for married couples. It is in this kind of relationship that Weidel is with his partner, with whom he has two children. It would seem that the ideal candidate for the promotion of the left agenda: a woman, a lesbian, with a happy family with two children. What is not an icon of feminism and the initiator of the legalization of same-sex marriage?

However, Weidel is a nationalist who, during her not too long career, had time to doubt the necessity of the European Union and declared that Muslims still live in the Stone Age. And most importantly, Weidel agreed with the opinion of one of the party members, who said that Hitler could not be considered an absolute evil, which in Germany, it would seem, is equivalent to political suicide.

Not surprisingly, there is a separate group for LGBT people in the Alternative for Germany, which is led by activist Alex Tassis. He is confident that the legalization of gay marriage is a problem of the higher strata of society, while the real threat is Islamization. Tassis believes that their party will soon become the most popular among homosexuals, who will forget about multiculturalism as a "western fantasy" and realize that the idea of ​​gender equality is a "mental disorder", that is, they will focus on hating migrants.

Become like all

“Right turn” in the homosexual environment, which has traditionally been considered the left electorate, leads to quite unexpected results. In his column in the New York Post, American homosexual journalist Chadwick Moore says that, realizing he was a conservative, he managed to get closer to his family like never before. His father, a farmer who adheres to traditional views, finally found in him a like-minded person, which was previously impossible not only because of homosexuality, but also left-wing views of Chadwick.

German social psychologist Beata Küpper also believes that this is a growing desire of homosexuals to become part of the majority. An extravagant political position for a gay becomes the only way to declare one’s “normality” - in fact, despite the results of the struggle for equal rights, LGBT people still remain a marginalized group. "Это что-то вроде защитного механизма. Люди думают, что если будут кого-то унижать, то сразу будут выглядеть лучше на его фоне, и этот механизм особенно актуален для меньшинств", - рассказывает Кюппер. По её мнению, некоторые представители меньшинств оскорбляют других, чтобы утвердить собственную нормальность и отвлечь внимание окружающих от своей гомосексуальной, этнической или любой другой идентичности.

С другой стороны, на фоне роста правых движений происходит ренессанс мифа о превосходстве "белого мужчины из среднего класса", который теперь может быть не только гетеросексуальным, но и гомосексуальным. Thus, gay people try to enter the most privileged group, promoting discrimination against other people: women (both heterosexual and homosexual), transgender people and migrants. Masculinity in this coordinate system becomes a new watershed in the LGBT community.

True, the personal experience of Chadwick Moore says that most homosexuals try to resist the “turning to the right” inside the movement: a friend stopped talking to me. " In the US 2016 elections, Moore, despite his new identity, supported Hillary Clinton.

Watch the video: A Lot Of White Supremacists Seem To Have An Asian Fetish HBO (December 2024).

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