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Editor'S Choice - 2025

Megan Traynor gives bad marriage advice

Young American pop diva Megan Traynor, "shot" this year with the hit "All About The Bass" and collected a bunch of musical nominations from "Grammy" to MTV EMA, released a new video - "Letter to the future husband." The video, shot in her usual candy-playful manner, almost literally illustrates the lyrics of a song about a girl who decided to take the marriage into her own hands. And here begins the most interesting.

The first hit Traynor staked out her image of a fighter for the rights of girls plus-size, but even then it was clear that under the positive thinking “I love myself for who I am” actually hides a less positive thought “love me for what I am” . The difference at first glance is not too noticeable, but a pity. The new hit (and there is no doubt that this will be a hit) completes this idea to the limit: Megan gives recommendations to men who dare to claim the hand and heart of an independent girl to the right and left. Disguised as an idea of ​​girl power, they sometimes carry the seeds of reason, for example, the consideration that in a family where both are from nine to five stick out at work, it is dishonest to demand from the wife to hunch at the stove. In addition, a woman has the full right to choose an occupation for her soul: maybe she has never been given a charlotte, but she can write hits. Alas, the rest is not so rosy.

Listening to other tips, let alone turning them into the hymn of girlish determination, is the worst idea in the world. Unless, of course, you are impressed by the idea of ​​becoming a Stepford wife 2.0, who remembered in the XXI century that a rolling pin and a heel are the best ways to establish harmony in a family. It is easy to believe that this is a satire (we still hope), but in general Megan seems to be quite serious: the singer believes that this is the most important song in her debut album, and regrets that she did not learn to defend her right to good appeal from the men still in his youth.

Take me a date I deserve it, babe. Call me on a date, because I deserve it.

And do not forget the flowers every anniversary. Flowers on holidays, not otherwise. And the main holiday is the day when you married me.

'Cause if you’re the one who wants to buy me what you need. Commodity relations in action, also known as "be good or die." Do not forget that the ideal wife is not perfect just like that, and the measure of ideality is the number of buns on the table. By the way, the question remains what will happen if the husband asks to buy him a beer.

Tell me everything's alright. Everything is simple. Facade grandeur - the guarantee of health in the family. Indeed, why reflection and work on the bugs, if you can just say "yes, ma'am."

If you wanna get that special lovin '. Let's say compliments to each other - an excellent offer, if they are not spoken under the lash and not for some "hurried avalanches." What could it be, by the way? Really, oh horror, is it?

And even if I was wrong, I’m never wrong. Just in case, if you still do not understand - a woman is always right, even when she is wrong. Access to the body must be earned.

Get some kisses. There is nothing terrible in opening doors to each other when it is convenient, or opening only to a woman, if both like that. For kisses, of course.

Just be a classy guy. Don't even think about it.

 Buy me a ring, Buy me a ring. After all, marriage - the best proof of love.

Future husband, better love me right. Love in a good way, otherwise not be good.

Watch the video: Meghan Trainor's Biggest Fan Will Melt Your Heart. Teen Vogue (January 2025).

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