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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Healthy habits of translator Sergey Nechiporenko

IN RUBRIC "LIFESTYLE" we ask different people about healthy lifestyles with a human face: we talk about the importance of taking care of yourself and pleasant ways to make life more comfortable. The hero of the new issue is an entrepreneur and medical translator Sergey Nechyporenko.

Wellbeing - this is clarity in the head, drive, when the body and brain in the morning "ring and sing," I want to move and load myself with something.

I usually get up at seven in the morning, I do about twenty minutes on an elliptical trainer, then take a shower, drink tea and go to the forest park to work. The perfect day is to meet the dawn in summer by running along the sea.

Mom as a child taught me to run and ski; Unfortunately, I can not run quietly when I see a dog in front without a leash, because the dogs have attacked several times. Therefore, in Moscow, where I live from September to June, cardio load is reduced to an elliptical trainer twice a day. In Bulgaria, from July to August, I run along the sea and swim every day in the sea and the pool.

Due to the peculiarities of the psyche I find it difficult to concentrate in a stationary state. I once noticed that at the end of a telephone conversation, I often found myself a kilometer away from the workplace, in the middle of the street - in the end I decided to dictate everything in the process of walking and for eight years I have been doing this. Productivity and well-being from this only improved. It turns out that every day at work I walk from 12 to 32 thousand steps, usually more than ten kilometers. In bad weather, when the tablet fills with snow or rain, I go to the office - I specifically chose a large one.

Even in a situation when moving, It would seem impossible at all - for example, I spend the whole day at the conference and work with a stationary microphone, - in the end, I still take ten thousand steps. There is no better rest for my brain than a dozen runs on the stairs during a break. How people can rest in a sitting position is a mystery to me.

With the whole family, we go skiing every year: I prefer calm blue slides, and my wife and children choose the most difficult red ones and they take me with them. The middle daughter (she is six years old) says sternly: "You will go like me - with red.

On business trips my lifestyle practically does not change. Upon arrival, I try to walk a lot, I usually go to bed at midnight local time. I have a complicated relationship with catering because I don’t bear salt at all - it’s often easier to buy something in a store.

I am very ashamed of that my comfortable working day in the form of continuous walking is achieved at the expense of other people who then sit at the computer and type the text. Unfortunately, serious scientific things, and document formatting, cannot be entrusted to automatic recognition systems. I used to think that it was like the oppression of man by man. But now I take it more calmly: I am ready to admit that many people are more comfortable sitting at a computer than walking in the woods. It is possible that they, sitting at home in the warmth with a cup of coffee, feel sorry for me, quivering in the cold in the forest.

When I began to study biology and chemistry in my childhood, it completely stopped eating sausages due to nitrite. Then, when my father was diagnosed with ischemic heart disease, he refused cholesterol. And when he decided to become a cardiologist, he completely excluded salt from food.

A couple of years ago, I reviewed the food, Having read a lot about glucose toxicity and the problem of insulin resistance. At the same time, I was impressed with two weeks in the Loire Valley: they eat very fatty foods, almost only legumes are made of carbohydrates, but the life expectancy even for men is higher than for women of the same age in other countries. As a result, I began to allow myself more cholesterol, for the first time I began to eat a lot of cheeses, and almost the only source of carbohydrates was grapes.

Ideally, I would like to get omega-3 with food - three years ago I was eating salmon almost every day; wife joked that I had to start to glow with phosphorus. After the grocery embargo with salmon in Moscow, it became difficult, it is mostly possible to eat it in the summer in Bulgaria. We had to find in Russia other sources of this acid - flaxseed oil and herring, soaked in water from salt.

I DRINK VERY MUCH TEA up to six liters per day. Without it, it's harder for me to concentrate, somehow the forces are falling. Coffee - only when "something went wrong." I do not like taste, but I treat it as a medicine - it guarantees a kick for the next two hours, if something urgently needs to be done urgently, and then you can relax.

I try almost every day to drink a glass of red wine. I am convinced of its benefits: polyphenols, resveratrol, anthocyanins; animal experiments confirm this. Moreover, alcohol slightly reduces blood sugar levels. I prefer the darkest, rich in tannins.

Strong alcohol do not drink, I've never tried vodka in my life, but occasionally I can add rum to smell tea. Suddenly I discovered that if you add whiskey to tea (better Irish), the effect will be like that of coffee, only longer. If a long, monotonous work is to be done, a high-tanned wine with strong tea is guaranteed to keep me thinking clear for six to eight hours.

Basically I cook myself - Children and my wife especially do not like food. Fast food tried once in a lifetime: at 37 years old, waiting for departure at the airport, we went to Burger King, there was nothing else around. I still remember with disgust: everything is flour, fat, salty, completely inedible for me.

It’s impossible for my three daughters to impose anything: neither me nor anyone else - you can only set an example. I hope that they will grow up free from stereotypes - including gender ones. It seems that my stories about what is harmful and what is useful do not pass in vain, and they slowly form their healthy diet.

I was brought up in the tradition of gender equality, Mom always worked a lot, earned along with her dad, they were equally involved in me, so role-playing scripts in traditional children's cartoons are unusual for me. I believe that it is more useful and more interesting to watch not romantic stories about a prince on a white horse, but cartoons where self-sufficient girls are engaged in vigorous activity. On the other hand, I can not prohibit any cartoons either. The middle daughter has recently started doing checklists for a day, although no one has taught - it turned out, she was inspired by the example of the Pony Sparkle.

It is very important for me to get enough sleep. There is always such a principle: let the working day be shorter by one hour in favor of sleep, but in the remaining time I’ll sleep, I will do twice as much. During the rest, you need an open window and fresh air.

The most useful advice on the part of the health that I received: if possible, eliminate carbohydrates.

At my age I feel comfortable although after thirty-five there are obligations in relation to the body. You can not afford much that health would be forgiven at fifteen and twenty five.

To unload my mind, I read, Moreover, something as far from scientific subjects as possible is classical literature or blogs, in Russian, because the brain gets tired of English during work. We also love to see with the wife a romantic melodrama or comedy - with wine and cheese, when the children are sleeping.


Watch the video: A simple way to break a bad habit. Judson Brewer (April 2024).

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