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Hands under the blanket: 10 good reasons for masturbation

Text: Tatyana Nikonova, author of Sam Jones's Diary sex blog

When it comes to masturbation, This is usually a reason for jokes, but they hardly speak about women at all and are often considered to be a sign of sexual incontinence. In fact, masturbation is a healthy, cool and enjoyable way to get to know yourself better and learn a lot of useful things. There are ten reasons why it is a sin to refuse masturbation.

Everybody does it

No matter how tabooed the topic of female masturbation (and this is the only subject of discussion of sexual topics, about which women talk with each other less often than men), most of us masturbate with one or another regularity. In 1953, in anonymous Kinsey polls in the United States, only 62% of women admitted to masturbation, today - 92% of women aged 18-30. There is no such data about Russia, but even if we suddenly are at the level of the United States 60 years ago, pulling a bean is such a common practice that there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Magic wand

Self-satisfaction is the easiest way to get an orgasm. Absolutely safe: it is impossible to get pregnant or pick up a genital infection. The fastest: 5-15 minutes, and you are ready to do something else. Absolutely undemanding: your unshaven legs and a T-shirt with a stain of ketchup are not able to prevent you from cumming. And the orgasm is almost guaranteed: if you masturbate regularly, you can bring the case to the end almost every time - unlike sex, when a dozen male orgasms have from three to seven female.

Faster, higher, stronger

It is possible to shake any function of the human body: you train your memory, learn to sing or weave a barbell. Regular masturbation expands the range of sexual sensations, and the orgasm becomes longer and stronger. You can even reach ecstatic experiences, similar to mystical ones - with going beyond the boundaries of your own consciousness, feeling of merging with the whole world and rebooting the brain, like after meditation. Some for such harass kilograms of drugs, and a woman just thrust his hand into the panties with SpongeBob.


Envy parses when telling about other people's vaginal orgasms or nipple stimulation? What to say about the stories of multiple orgasm. It is not excluded that your body has uncharted potential (regardless of the result, it is easiest to try something new with yourself, and if it does not work out, no big deal, at least you tried). There are tried and tested effective techniques for summoning new sensations in the right places, but they cannot be found by the power of thought — you need to train and masturbate. The question is, where else can you find other such cool workouts: enjoyable, nothing hurts, and at the end a firework.

Plus happiness, minus stress

During an orgasm, the woman ceases to be an active part of the brain associated with fear and anxiety, and also the orgasm stimulates the production of oxytocin. It is a hormone released from the cells of the hypothalamus right into the bloodstream, it gives a feeling of warmth and relaxation. According to surveys, for 39% of women masturbating, the need for relaxation is a reason to masturbate. The risk of depression is also reduced due to the release of endorphins. Therefore, to remove stress masturbation - the safest method. Free, productive, not addictive. You also fall asleep faster and help with restless leg syndrome.

No headache

Those endorphins (substances produced by the body that are similar in their action to opiates) are a great painkiller. Ending orgasm masturbation relieves headaches (and even sometimes migraines), relieves pain during menstruation, and is recommended during menopause with vaginal atrophy - due to blood flow, pain in the genitals decreases. By the way, there are no restrictions for masturbation during menstruation. Enough to pay a little more attention to personal hygiene.

Sex is better

The popular myth of masturbation as a substitute for absent sex is not true. Masturbation teaches you to become more aware of your own desires and helps you figure out exactly what your body specifically likes. Therefore, for women masturbating, the requirements for sex are clearer, they explain to the partner more intelligibly what they want, get much more satisfaction and are more inclined to experiment. So masturbation is a direct path to sex that suits you. And good sex plus good masturbation is a combo that is pointless to refuse.

independence Day

The partner is out of place, the situation is unsuitable, or is there no partner, but you cannot determine whether you want an orgasm in general or this particular guy at the bar counter? Masturbation solves all questions. Your sexuality is a personality trait that changes and develops over time, and for its research it is sometimes necessary that no one looms or interferes. First, learn to distinguish between attraction to a person and a thirst for sexual discharge. Secondly, the fantasies of naked Jared Leto in the kitchen certainly do not require any helpers.

Feed the brain

MRI scans of female volunteers who masturbated in a magnetic resonance imaging machine up to orgasm showed that blood flows to all parts of the brain as a result. While various exercises for memory and reasoning cause only a few blood to flow. Masturbation will not make you smarter, but the brain will get more nutrition and oxygen and become better able to cope with its responsibilities.

Path to yourself

Tease pro accident zadrotov leave minded sexists. Masturbation increases self-esteem and acceptance of your own body. The more pleasure the body brings, the more you feel gratitude to it for the fact of its existence and consent to function. Look at Western testers of sex toys, mostly self-confident plump girls, completely satisfied with themselves and their own lives. It is hard to imagine that in bed with a man they would think, they say, my body is not perfect enough. Want to enjoy life like they do - masturbate.

Watch the video: Your Hands-On Guide To Female Masturbation & Orgasm (April 2024).

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