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Editor'S Choice - 2025

As an actress, illustrator and sportswomen make non-standard decisions.

Creativity, creativity can manifest itself not only, say, in art, but also in curling and volleyball. Together with adidas, we talked about this with four young and successful heroines involved in a variety of things: someone takes medals at the Olympics, someone acts in films, someone illustrates books and draws comics.

To allow yourself to be creative, you need courage. Since childhood we have been told: "Shut up, go down for the clever". And I have been silent for a long time, until I realized that creativity is first of all about inner freedom. It all depends on how much a person is ready to go against the general norms of behavior in order to defend their ideas. Creativity can manifest as you please. In the way you make repairs at home. In the way you think. The artist is like a tool, like a brush and paints in the hands of the artist, only here instead of the artist is the director.

Sooner or later you realize that you too can and should interfere in the creative process. When you don't interfere, strange things turn out. You think that you wanted to be tactful, not to offend anyone, neither the director, nor the screenwriter, nor the make-up artist, but the result suffers as a result, your work. Here they send you a script, for example, with such dialogues: "Ah, Vanya, let's take a glass of vodka." But you need your hero to at least speak organically. And you go to the director, offer to remake. And ideally, you sit down and with the director together you invent the “arch” of the character - which way your hero should go through the whole story, how to change.

Sport is in principle creativity. Each person is looking for his inspiration. Sport is the place where I can create. Each skip - the captain of the team - is always close attention, both inside and outside the team, and therefore I would like to be a real leader. And this should manifest itself even in such seemingly trivial things as, for example, body language: in our case it means a lot. Sometimes we discuss the game with those who watched it from the side, and we are told: "It was immediately obvious that you would win - by the way you stayed on the court, it was felt by your energy".

I just try to look confident. I cannot be shown for a second that I can doubt anything

When I first appeared on the international stage, they called me Ice Anna. I had such an eternal poker face, and it caught people. They said to me: "You go out on the ice - and that's just so scary! You never smile! You press your hand with such a face!" And I just try to look confident. I cannot be shown for a second that I can doubt anything — even when I have to urgently decide what to do. And this has to be done constantly. We have no agreement with the coach, no prepared maneuvers, only complete improvisation. During the match, it is the team captain who solves all tactical and strategic issues, leads the game - as in chess. You can talk with the coach before or after; during the match itself is prohibited by the rules. Three hours of play - and just one minute time-out.

Where in the sport of creativity? It is in non-standard decisions that we make during the game. Of course, there are some prepared trainer installations. But there are always a lot of random things that you just can’t foresee. And if you are confident in your abilities, then you can experiment: some kind of deceptive blow, completely unpredictable actions in defense.

Decisions are sometimes made spontaneously. I had such a situation: in one of the important matches I did not have time to get the ball in defense. Quickly realized - and played his foot. He flew over to the side of the opponent and fell exactly into the empty point of the field. And it so happened that this was a turning point - we won the match.

I like to draw quickly - so the hand does everything easily. It happens, it is not drawn, that is, it draws, as it were, not a hand, but a brain. You think what to fix here, how to do better here. And it just does not like it; the best things are fun and easy. I try to catch this state - and if I can’t catch it, then I need to pause. If I am loading because of each line of the figure, there is a risk that I will not finish this drawing at all. Plus, purely aesthetically, the sloppy style and easy incompleteness are much closer to me. When I was painting the Zine Lizzi, I made a sketch - and I liked the sketch so much that I decided to leave it as it is.

The best things are fun and easy. If I am loading because of each line of the figure, there is a risk that I will not finish it at all.

When I draw comics, I am inspired by situations from life, but this does not mean that I move the whole situation to and from comics. It starts with something that really happened to me or to my friends, but then I usually turn it into a different story to convey and explain my idea. The idea is most often associated with feminism.

Photos provided by adidas. Photographer - Zhenya Filatova.

adidas inspires girls for creativity and new achievements. The brand tells how important it is to abandon stereotyped assessments and pay attention to individual style, whatever the sphere: sport, music or business.

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Watch the video: E. Foley & B. Coates: "What Would Boudicca Do?". Talks at Google (January 2025).

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