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Editor'S Choice - 2024

To whom to subscribe: Kvir-diva and activist_ka Alok Wade-Manon

CONTINUE TO TELL about decent accounts in social networks through which you can view the whole world.

In the Russian-speaking Internet, the Alok Wade Manon activist of the American-Indian origin first spoke in July last year: then the border guards did not let the activist in Belarus, where he was going to give a lecture on gender non-conformism and feminism.

Alok defends the rights of transgender and gender non-conformal people, writes poems that reflect his experience as victims of violence and discrimination, advocates for freedom of expression and lectures around the world. Wade-Manon considers himself to be a non-binary person and uses the neutral English pronoun “they” (it has no direct analogue in Russian, so we use the underscore). We advise to subscribe to his instagram - firstly, because it is beautiful: Alok loves bright clothes and eye-catching accessories, is not afraid to experiment with makeup and combine a cell with a strip - even if you are not ready to dye your eyebrows in green, you can always catch up with an interesting combination or just admire.

Watch the video: The channels to whom you should subscribe (December 2024).

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