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Editor'S Choice - 2025

To whom to subscribe: Public "Good little-known animals"

CONTINUE TO TELL about decent accounts in social networks through which you can view the whole world.

If in childhood you didn’t miss a single issue of “In the world of animals”, and now you are avidly watching Animal Planet programs and generously like social life stories of wild inhabitants of forests, fields and waters in social networks . But what really - to close this page without clicking on ♥ at least once, it seems, only a person with a stone heart can. Public has invented and leads a student MGUP them. Ivan Fyodorov Alexander Mayorov, here she publishes photographs and briefly tells about the rare and unknown to the general public beasts. Strange and cute public heroes have names that you probably never heard of. Take at least binturong, who lives in Southeast Asia, waddles like a bear, meowing like a cat and trusting like a puppy. Suppose the public "Good Little-Known Animals" does not claim to be a serious natural-science blog, and posts here appear infrequently, but even the existing archive is enough to significantly expand their understanding of the diversity of the animal world.

Alexandra Mayorova

founder of the public

Public was invented in April last year for himself. Friends noticed how many animals I know and how little people know around. I created a page and wrote about the beast that I had found somewhere long ago and I really liked it. I wondered if anyone would subscribe to the page, except for about a hundred friends. I had no effect on the sudden expansion of the audience and the addition of subscribers, just someone successfully repost.

I love animals since childhood, but at first I looked for heroes on vague requests. Sometimes I find someone by chance. In public there is an opportunity to offer news, and now there are 54 posts from subscribers, some of them have four beasts. This is surprising and pleasant, although many of the proposed animals seemed to me known. I myself am writing the first thing that comes to mind after watching the animals and reading their page on Wikipedia. Now I am writing more, and in the comments they ask more and more often.

My favorite beast from the public is Kangaroo Matches from the very first post. Just look at it - and everything will immediately become clear.

Watch the video: Fool Release People Will Agree to Anything (January 2025).

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