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Editor'S Choice - 2025

Battle of the century: Who is more important on the Internet - dogs or cats?

Attempts to determine the winner in the worldwide battle of hyphae, memes and amusing pictures have been carried out since the moment hyphae, memes, and amusing pictures appeared, and the debate about who was first and, respectively, the main thing, cats or dogs, reminds of the chicken and egg debates. Moreover, from time to time someone proclaims that "new cats" are chanterelles, owls, or even seals (seriously ?! Have you seen what they do with penguins?). Attempting to turn to dispassionate statistics also does not help: the Russian-language segment of Google knows 1,580,000 mentions of "cat" and 1,700,000 dogs, but the amount of materials on the "cats" tag on Wonderzine noticeably outweighs the number on the "dogs" tag. We decided to sort it out once and for all: we launch a vote that finally puts everything in its place.

Watch the video: Ozzy Man Reviews: Kangaroos (January 2025).

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