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Editor'S Choice - 2024

These detectives discuss the issues of the universe

If for some reason you don’t watch the True Detective series with Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson about teammates and detectives investigating the mysterious murder in Louisiana, we really don’t understand you. Firstly, this is the main serial hit of the season, secondly, there is McConaughey with a long-distance mustache, and thirdly, a dead woman with horns on her head and an anticlerical fuse. And most importantly, there are answers to all the questions: we are always ready to listen to how agnostic and self-taught philosopher Rast Cole talks about life, the universe, and in general.

Let's say thank you to the film fan and copywriter Bobby Finger who created the True Detective Conversations toggle, where dialogues about pop culture and the state of modern society are embedded in the lips of partners. For example, the heroes discuss the film "She", the Olympic Games and other topics of concern to each of us. As in the series, the hero of Woody Harrelson asks idiotic questions in the blue eye, and the hero McConaughey answers him exhaustively in his profound manner, inevitably leading his partner to confusion.

Watch the video: Sherlock Is Garbage, And Here's Why (December 2024).

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