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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Who to subscribe: Happy goat family

CONTINUE TO TELL about decent accounts in social networks through which you can view the whole world.

The touching photographs of animals are one of the pillars on which instagram rests (yes, and the Internet as a whole). But if the accounts dedicated to kittens and puppies are often visible, then some other animals are given unduly little attention. We correct the situation: the @itsagoatlife instagram is dedicated to happy little goats - this is exactly what is written in the account header. He is led by Soraya Hirt - she cares for the goat family living on the farm and regularly uploads touching pictures from their lives. Soraya says that animal's hobby is (and then is) again, and in themselves they are “little fluffy lumps of happiness.” The goat family also has its own photo book, so if the instagram is small, you can always refer to it.

Watch the video: The Goat Family and Yodel the Super Goat (December 2024).

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