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Editor'S Choice - 2024

3 healthy unloading menu options

We all at least once arranged for ourselves the so-called fasting days, most often on a whim - that is, limiting oneself to a liter of kefir and a glass of boiled buckwheat. Such monodiets are actually harmful: the body feels most comfortable when it receives approximately the same amount of food regularly, and a roller coaster with a poor and overly rich diet knocks down metabolism and increases the load on the digestive system. In addition, strictly restricting oneself to food is fraught with unpleasant and harmful associations with food, which subsequently complicate the attitude towards it - and in the end can lead to eating behavior problems.

Nevertheless, taking control of the food in your hands after a series of January feasts is a good idea. The main thing is to enter a comfortable (rather than “slimming”) mode and eat a balanced diet, and not just carbohydrates seasoned with fats. It is clear that only a nutritionist can calculate an individual nutrition plan, but there are also general recommendations. So, it is known that it is better to eat every 2-3 hours in small portions, drink enough water, exclude convenience foods, fast carbohydrates, canned foods, processed meat and give up fried. It sounds strictly, but in fact such a menu allows you to have a bunch of everything familiar and tasty and feel cheerful. We offer three menu options that you can stick to this weekend or any other day when you want to improve your diet.


2000 kcal (optimal for women with a sedentary lifestyle)

Protein Shake and Whole Grain Toast with Butter. For the neck, beat half a cup of natural yogurt with a tablespoon of peanut butter, a tablespoon of honey, a whole banana and a small amount of milk.

A glass of chopped fresh fruit and a handful of nuts.

Vegan burger with coleslaw or vegetables. For a burger you need to put out a chopped celery stalk with one small onion and a clove of garlic for 3-5 minutes. Then crush 400 g of canned beans with a fork, add celery with onion, stir in one raw egg and half a cup of bread crumbs. Form 4 cutlets from this, pepper and salt and bake for 10 minutes on each side at 190 degrees (or fry in a dry frying pan). Put one cutlet between two toasts or half a whole grain bun, add mustard and tomato. The remaining patties can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer.

Vegetables with half a glass of hummus.

6-10 savory crackers and salad. For salad, mix your favorite greens, cherry tomatoes, 5-6 walnut kernels, dried cranberries, 30-50 grams of cheese and something protein, such as half a cup of boiled beans or tofu. You can fill with oil with balsamic vinegar.

Half a glass of frozen yogurt or a strip of dark chocolate.

For a passive day

2000 kcal (optimal for women with a sedentary lifestyle)

A plate (about 200 g) of oatmeal, 20 almonds, a handful of raisins and a glass of milk.

A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and 40 grams of cheese.

100 g boiled or grilled chicken breast, 2 cups of any green salad, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil based sauce (or just your favorite vegetable oil) and 2 whole grain buns.

A glass of natural yogurt.

200 g of tofu, fried with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, a glass of boiled brown rice and 300 g of boiled broccoli.

20 any nuts.

For an active day

2400 kcal (optimal for active women)

Banana smoothie, two boiled eggs with a small wholegrain bun. For a smoothie mix in a blender a banana, a glass of milk, a tablespoon of peanut butter and ice if desired.

70 g ricotta, 10 almond nuts and half a cup of any berries or fruit.

Salad from a glass of boiled paste, 60 g of boiled chicken breast, 40 g of feta, one red pepper and two small tomatoes. You can fill it with a mixture of one tablespoon of vegetable oil and wine vinegar. As a dessert, an orange is suitable.

2 tablespoons of hummus and 10 small whole grain crackers.

100 grams of boiled or grilled salmon and a glass of brown rice, plus any vegetable salad like cole-sanda or green leaves (about 200 grams). For dessert - any two small cookies.

A glass of low-fat yogurt and one fruit.

Photo: 1, 2, 3, 4 via Shutterstock

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