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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Giant Jeff Goldblum appeared in London

EVERY DAY ON THE INTERNET HAPPEN THINGS, from which you want to either laugh or cry. Inevitably the question is: what are you doing?

A news that you didn’t think of dreaming: a giant statue of Jeff Goldblum appeared in London in an unbuttoned shirt. She was established by the streaming company NOW TV in honor of the 25th anniversary of the “Jurassic Park” - they decided that the seven-meter figure of Jan Malcolm would be the best for this occasion. Everything is in place: unbuttoned shirt, draped over shoulders, glance directed to infinity, big dick energy and armchairs to enjoy the view. And the fact that the statue is not at all like the prototype is the tenth thing.

25 years ago, JurassicJeff #JurassicPark pic.twitter.com/8yFZY5AtCU

- NOW TV (@NOWTV) July 18, 2018

Watch the video: Giant Jeff Goldblum statue appears in London (December 2024).

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