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Editor'S Choice - 2024

How to spend the weekend with the benefit of not spending a penny

Text: Elina Chebochcha

We spend huge The amount of time to search for ways to relax, but they often end up hiking in the taverns with friends. Even more time is spent studying lists with ways to relax on the Internet. We propose to reduce the attempts to six, which are feasible for everyone, do not require any financial investments and free the mind from important thoughts and debriefing.

Play board games with the family

In Russian culture, unfortunately, there are no family-uniting holidays, and even the notorious New Year, the younger generation seeks to celebrate somewhere with friends and preferably away. Conditional Thanksgiving in Russian can be the habit of spending the weekend, armed with a good board game, passing which you can find completely unexpected features in family members - for example, strategic thinking when playing Risk, the best desktop strategy, and playing Monopoly now you can use rubles in general and joke about the crisis. If the parents do not recognize the desktops at all, ask your mom and dad to finally explain to you how to paint the bullet in preference. Games are, in principle, a good way to find out more about parents without having to argue about politics, economics, and questions about when you already have a husband and children.

Arrange wardrobe

It’s time to get out of the closet and be horrified - you don’t need this billion of things that you don’t wear, that you no longer fit or that are hopelessly outdated. Even if you love everything and everything suits you, sorting things out by season or donating unnecessary things (for example, to the “Fund of Dr. Liza”) has not prevented anyone, and can definitely enter into a state of Zen. Wash, stroke, hang out beautifully and open the cabinet with ecstasy - now everything is in its place, at least until next weekend.

Dig in home library

Every person has at least one favorite book, which the hands may not reach for years, because the Internet is so interesting, and there is so little time. A good way to arrange total relaxation is to open your favorite book and plunge into the world of war, without getting a wound, experience love shocks, without breaking your heart, and earn experience, without turning gray in the process. In the end, you can spend the whole day in the bookstore in search of new products, but this option is for those who still want to spend an extra thousand rubles. Reread to start the most favorite - this book will never let you down.

Spring cleaning

You have already read about this method of free rest, but who of us really took up after that for cleaning? The reason lies in the fact that the absolute majority of cleaning is associated with fatigue and heaviness, but these views are groundless. First, cleanliness is eliminating the mess that causes stress. Attempts to justify the mess by the fact that only in srach you find the necessary things, you can leave fifth graders - this is not true (think depressed people - their homes resemble chaos). Secondly, it is unpleasant to enter a dirty house: how many of us preferred to hang out with friends in a pleasant tavern, without even knowing why we are not pulling at all at home. It's simple - there are no waiters who will clean everything for you. Thirdly, it is physical activity, not burdensome, but necessary. And finally, it is absolutely, totally free.

Prepare a dish from my childhood

If the pasta dish of your childhood was not pasta with mayonnaise, but something that requires a lot of effort and imagination, then it’s time to uncover your inner chef. This is the best way to effectively ponobalize and remember loved ones - real cooking recipes always contain family secrets, so call your mother. In general, the heated oven, salt and pepper to taste and a pinch of love.


Listen to a TED lecture course.

Free TED lectures have long been a symbol of pop culture, not a way of intelligent recreation, and that’s fine. Turn off the head, while receiving knowledge and inspiration, perhaps the most ingenious invention of mankind after ice cream. For the laziest, there is already an excellent list of the best and most popular TED lectures in the entire history of the portal - these are stories about motivation, body, beauty, education and children, that is, everything you wanted to know, but you never found time for. Sunday evening is perfect.

Photo: 1, 2, 3 via Shutterstock

Watch the video: Who can SPEND the MOST MONEY in 24 Hours - Challenge (April 2024).

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