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Editor'S Choice - 2024

All the best - Dawn: Should I wash my hair with horse shampoo

Text:Roxana Kiseleva, author of the telegram channel godblesstheconcealer

Surely you do not just come across recognition in the miraculous power of horse shampoo or udder cream. Means intended for the care of animals can now be bought at any pharmacy - manufacturers promise that they will help people to solve problems that previously could only be done by a good cosmetologist. We tried to figure out how justified the people's love for horsepower shampoo and dawn cream.

How it all began

The trend for "animal" means originated in South Africa. According to legend, one of the workers in a horse farm ended in regular shampoo, so he tried to wash his head with a horse and fell in love with the result. Now it is a big business, whose owners earn primarily on people who want to make their hair as luxurious as horsemanes. Udder cream and even shampoos for cats and dogs were pulled here - the worldwide love for popular recipes made itself felt.

Secret of popularity

Despite the fact that few people seem to be ready to eat cat food, relying on its extraordinary nutritional value, many are convinced that horse shampoo is more useful than human - ostensibly cosmetics for animals "do not feed with chemistry." “Chemistry” is usually understood as any ingredients whose names are not clear to the average person, as well as the notorious “silicones and parabens”, the hype around the harmfulness of which was artificially inflated. From this point of view, the “Dawn” udder cream really inspires confidence - there are only four ingredients in it: glycerin, two vitamins and chamomile extract. Another thing is that any standard hand cream, like other cosmetics that are commercially available, is safe because it passed the necessary certification. But cosmetics for animals is not tested for safety of use for people, so you need to understand that you make such purchases at your own peril and risk.

Another important factor is the difficult economic situation. Not everyone can afford to spend money on cosmetics, and in such conditions, the pet shop products are just an interesting alternative to products of budget brands like Clean Line and Faberlic. Interestingly, the same circumstance worked on the competitiveness of animal shampoos in Europe. For example, the Mane 'n Tail products pushed the usual Garnier and Pantene on the shelves of British Droheries. It seemed logical to many that if shampoo was invented for horses, no one would spend money on packaging and advertising for it, which means that all the money would be invested in the best ingredients. But check and checkmate! Now horse shampoos advertise participants "House-2".

The rest of the shampoos for horses are similar in composition to any other means, except that they do not put oils and other caring ingredients, and they are also more concentrated: hair damaged by dyeing and thermal styling will kill in one application.

Does cosmetics for animals work?

Horses have disobedient manes and tails, and their hair is confused, therefore the means for the horses are designed in a special way. Simply put, their formulas are filled with keratin to the full, which fills the hair shaft and smoothes its cuticle, because of which the horse's mane shines so beautifully. In theory, it can also work on people, but only if you have very thick and tough hair. Thin hair as they do harm. Most likely, at first it will seem that you have found the Holy Grail, because your hair will be docile and smooth, as in advertising. But after a while, the excitement will be replaced by disappointment: they will become brittle due to an excess of keratin. So if your hair is not similar in texture to the horse's mane, it is better to stop at shampoos for people. But if you still want to try, choose a shampoo that is suitable for everyone (the same Mane 'n Tail loves the editor Into The Gloss), it was softer and more precisely tested for safety of use for humans. And do not use it too often, but rather alternate with your regular shampoo - stylists are advised to do so to avoid weighting the hair.

Udder cream turned out to be a good nutrient for dry areas on the body - it may well be suitable for elbows, feet, knees and hands. Yes, he is not the most fashionable packaging, and he does not smell like a jasmine bush, but it does not interfere with his work.

Watch the video: Mane 'n Tail Shampoo & Conditioner Review + Hair Growth (December 2024).

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