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Editor'S Choice - 2025

10 interesting articles about sex and porn

In the outgoing year, we talked a lot about sex, refuting stereotypes that the Russian language is simply not suitable for this. Sex has ceased to be a taboo topic, which rises late at night on public television, and gradually becomes an everyday topic of discussion for brunch with friends. Why sex is important, how it is reflected in pop culture, how to teach a sex technician you can earn money and much more - in the list of the best articles in 2014 about sex and attitude to it.

What is the secret of sex appeal

Sometimes we are lucky, and next is a beautiful, reliable, intelligent and caring partner. And even mom likes him, and it would seem that one can live with him until the end of his days, but there is a problem - he does not excite at all. But any other, losing the first in all respects, even at a distance awakens an incredible sexual appetite. What is the problem? Why are we drawn to some people and absolutely not excited by others?

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Why in Japan refuse traditional sex

Japanese youth massively refuses sex, meanwhile in the ruin of online Japanese porn production more and more often there are videos with scenes of violence against women. What is even worse is not always imitating it. We understand why sexual aggression progresses in one of the most developed and well-educated societies in the world, and also how modern media and centuries-old traditions are to blame.

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Your hands on my neck: 10 films about sadomasochism

In the cinema, many types of relationships have already been investigated, but most films still follow the usual model with a standard set of sexual positions. On the occasion of the release of the rental of "Venus in Furs" - the adaptation of a Broadway play for two, based in turn on the novel Sacher-Masoch - we decided to recall films about relationships, where one (or one) suppresses, and the second (or second) submits, and everyone likes it in a strange way.

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Porn director Erica Lust about sex, shame and children

Pornography has long ceased to be a topic that is not spoken about aloud. They condemn it, try to prohibit or, on the contrary, protect it from the encroachments of the state. Next year, Erica Lust's directorial career — the main woman in feminist porn — will be ten years old. We talked with Erica about pornography, which has become a matter of her life, as well as all the important things: sex, feelings of shame, children and female sexuality - and found out why we all need porn and how it can change our lives for the better.

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How the Chinese economy makes women mistresses

In our imagination, the Chinese seem extremely conservative with regard to the institution of the family. However, those who are familiar with the history of Asia know that adultery has been common there at all times. Modern China is undergoing a transformation of the ancient culture of compulsion. Today, the presence of a mistress emphasizes the social status of a man, and the mistress herself becomes an addition to expensive watches and a prestigious car.

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What do women teach in sex training?

A nice tanned man in tight jeans says: "It lasted two and a half hours, three folded bath towels, a mattress and a carpet on the floor got wet under it." Thirty women (including me) listen to him, opening his mouth, in my stomach the liver tries to lie down in a gravy from the cafeteria downstairs. There is the eighth hour of Alex May's training "The Intimate Side of Relationships", and he has just reached the fourth type of eleven orgasm, which we will learn about today.

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Eat me: The best erotic scenes involving food

Food always does everything better, even things that do not require improvement on their own. Inspired by the informative movie about how to shoot erotic scenes in Hollywood, we thought - what would happen if we add food to sex? As you know, all the good things have already been invented before us, so it remains only to strain the memory. We recall the most prominent and just favorite erotic episodes involving food - from mom's cake with apples to lobster.

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10 sex toys for yourself and as a gift

Continuing the glorious tradition of humanizing sex and physical pleasure, we show and tell about sex toys that we would like to receive or donate for the New Year holidays. We want to warn you: despite the fact that now the vibrators are more like works of art, you should make sure that the girlfriend does not unwrap the gift in the presence of her grandmother.

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Between the lines: Books from which we learned about sex

In childhood, it seems, we all had to learn from the air. The first glimpses of understanding came to us with the approved (and not very) society of literature, including encyclopedias and reference books, which shy parents slipped us in the hope of avoiding awkward conversations. We asked our peers to be remembered and share impressions of the first literary information about sex, which they managed to get to in due time.

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Sex, Lies and Videos: How to protect your homemade porn

The network regularly gets intimate videos and photos of celebrities. In order not to repeat their experience, we found out which ways are best to use when creating a home erotica and how it is better to keep it in a world where nothing sacred remains, and the most intimate moments of life easily fall into public view.

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Watch the video: Porn Stars Teach Couples Sex Moves (January 2025).

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