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Editor'S Choice - 2025

It should be emphasized: Editorial Wonderzine painted on YouTube-instructions

We all watched fascinated more than once how easy beauty bloggers make their fire smoke and glue their eyelashes in seconds - but they are painted every day and a lot, so no wonder. We decided to find out whether everyone would be able to repeat the makeup from the tutorials, and chose five different video tutorials for this — but so that each of the participants had to do something for the first time.

There are only two things that I like to do quickly - it is to paint and drive a car (with the second one in urban conditions, everything is not so simple). Therefore, the fact that I got the longest tutorial - almost twenty minutes - looked like a twist of fate, or Masha Vorslav personally. Looking ahead, I managed to reduce this time to 14 minutes: first, Elena Krygina communicates a lot with the audience, and second, I simply did not have the patience and skills for such a detailed drawing of eye makeup.

I rarely paint my eyes, and if I do this, I prefer graphic design and minimalism - or sharp arrows (I can draw perfect ones, of any shape and color, in any condition, in a minute), or cream shades of one shade on the whole moving eyelid. Needless to say that the pink Smokey with feathers of four shades have become for me, ahem, an interesting challenge. At the same time, I already mastered the pink color on the eyes thanks to the fashion on mono make-up - I have a very pleasant Make Up For Ever blush that revives my face perfectly, but does not look worse on cheeks, lips and eyelids at the same time. In general, the fact that pink eyelids do not look in tears, but is cool, especially when combined with green eyes, is not new to me.

It must be admitted that I never once painted my life in accordance with the instructions, and in general I looked, it seemed, only one thing - about baking, from culturological interest. Everything turned out to be not so difficult: 70% of this make-up Krygin does without fanaticism. At first everything was clear with eyes too, but I broke down on the brown drawing of the fold of the right eyelid. She came out now too fat, then a curve, so after two attempts to fix everything neatly, I acted on the principle of "aaaa, voteva." With false eyelashes, too, everything came out somehow, the light glue was visible in the closed eyelid, and in life I would not wear them. I have short eyelashes (all fluffy and long, it seems, have been distributed to the guys), maybe I have finally matured to build them. Well, my discovery (as promised in the video) is the cushion 3LAB, which lays down very smoothly and thinly. I cut it at the shooting and now I use it every day, having thrown four banked cans of different textures and shades.

I think I got the coolest tutorial. Firstly, because it is really possible to paint on it even every day: cosmetics on the face and spent body movements are at least, and the result is more interesting than if you just align the tone, paint over eyebrows and eyelashes. Secondly, the instruction itself is simple, but there are two good life hacking in it at once - how to draw natural looking eyebrows and freckles. Moreover, both of them are performed by the same means. Economical and convenient - everything we love.

If the freckles were more or less successful for me, then an overlay came out with eyebrows. For the purity of the experiment, we sought to repeat the makeup with the same means that the authors of the commercials use. I missed with a hint of a NYX pencil (Sonjra in the video has Espresso, I have Auburn), so at the first stage my eyebrows turned out beautiful but completely unnatural orange. The MAC gel liner helped to muffle the wildish tint, which I later painted on individual hairs, but still the final color of the eyebrows leaves much to be desired. The pencil itself is excellent - gives a good color, but not too soft.

The idea to buy a thin-pretku brush to paint her "real" eyebrows, brilliant. I have been growing my eyebrows for many years and have tried many different pencils, markers, and shadows — they can’t draw such thin and similar hairs, but it is quite possible with a thin brush even from the first time. Now regularly use this technique in my life. Freckles, too, sometimes plan to draw (although I hope that spring will finally come and get out its own) - they are very uplifting and generally beautiful.

I really like to look at how people are painted on YouTube. The video contains much more than just practical knowledge. Strangely enough, they can relax: many admit that before the ASMR concept appeared, they watched tutorials to calm their nerves. Like any other art, they bring aesthetic pleasure, even if you do not try to imitate what you see for life. Although I’m too lazy to paint myself every day, I love to do it, and I learned many common things thanks to youtube. I never repeat one-on-one: I memorize the approaches, the techniques, I try on individual elements.

Over the long years of auto-didactic viewing, I understood a few things. First of all, no matter how much I wanted, I physically cannot dye my eyes: they are very sensitive and start to suffer, blush and water from the slightest impact (for this reason nothing happened to the lenses either). Therefore, I like to concentrate on other things: tone, cheekbones, eyebrows and lips. Lipstick - my favorite thing in the world, because already alone it changes your appearance.

In this make-up, I had to do everything at once: both eyebrows, and Smokey, and dark, clearly defined lips. Everything turned out to be a little more complicated due to the fact that the make-up had to be done with one kayal. The pencil turned out to be very soft, but very quickly froze in place. For my bright eyebrows, he was very dark and fat. Thin lines turned out to be completely not thin, we had to constantly comb them to redistribute the color - kayal is not the best product for eyebrows, to be honest. Everything was quite difficult with eyes, because, despite the softness, the pencil quickly hardened and it became difficult to shade it. Everything was aggravated by the fact that the eyes immediately began to water: although I like the way they turned out, I could not walk more than 15 minutes with such smocks. But with the lips everything turned out super: I put the color with a brush, and although the lips turned out to be rather dry, they look clear and drawn.

All this reminded me a little of my childhood, when you sneak in to my mom's dresser and start painting with everything. This is a cool tutorial that reminds you that you need to cling less to conventions: you don’t have to have thirty-three jars to have fun with cosmetics. Such experiments have a strong liberating effect, and, having done something like this once, you begin to feel more comfortable with makeup in principle. On trips such an approach with one pencil may well come in handy when you don’t take a lot of makeup with you or something is over at the most inopportune moment.

At first I was a little upset, because I got, as it seemed to me, a “normal” and rather complicated tutorial. Then I thought that glue tape on the face should be fun. It turned out that in general it is quite painful, the eyes are constantly watering, and from this it is difficult to even just hold the brush along the eyelids the same way. Contouring and tanning was not difficult, but it seems to me that my face is not going at all either.

But to glue false eyelashes was not easy, especially since I did it for the first time in my life. Their inner corner came off almost immediately, and in general they looked weird. In ordinary life, I would never (knowing what it is, now for sure) would glue them, because, firstly, I am satisfied with my own, and secondly, I don’t like it when my eyelashes look unnatural and stand out. In the end, I was uncomfortable with so much makeup on my face, I don’t think that I could go through the whole day. And although it was not so difficult to repeat such a make-up as I thought, it still turned out to be crooked.

In general, I painted on tutorials only a couple of times in my life and a long time ago, at sixteen years old, when I was just beginning to understand that cosmetics might not be needed just to even out the tone of my face and bring an eyelid. Now I rarely watch them, mostly just to find out that “like this, too, is possible,” and not to repeat. I think they need more in order to discover some interesting product or technique. Just copying me is not very interesting, I like to invent something myself, and sometimes quite by accident. So it was with childish rhinestone stickers, of which I put the word "fuck" on my face.

I had a similar experience: a year ago, I had to put on a man for the best gender-faq party in the world. Lisa Eldridge, however, shows makeup, which simply gives the face more manly features. She refers to androgynous models like Stella Tennant and Raine Dove, and, in order to resemble them, she suggests making her eyebrows more straight and thick, deepening her cheekbones and using a barely perceptible highlighter. Okay.

I had almost all the same tools as Lisa had, so I finally managed to try the praised palette for sculpturing Tom Ford. With her help, Eldridge famously emphasized the relief of the face, but for me the dark shade from the palette turned out to be too orange and would fit only as a bronzer. But the highlighter is super: there are no sparkles in it, and there is no better remedy for imitating the radiance of healthy skin.

I was intrigued by the prospect of getting Brows - lately I haven’t tinted them (I love Rosenbaum, but not so much), but have never deliberately courageously courageous. This is a cool trick that really changes the face: it does not make it more beautiful or ugly, but lowers the degree of femininity in its usual sense. I will remember him - it seems to me that he can even add some freshness to a banal makeup with red lipstick. In general, I was quite comfortable being an androgyne, although without tons of mascara on my eyelashes, I usually feel uncomfortable.

The editors are grateful to the Pudra store and Photoplay studio for their help in organizing the experiment.

Watch the video: Why Social Studies Should be Emphasized as Much as Language, Math, and Science in Schools in 2018 (January 2025).

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