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Editor'S Choice - 2025

To whom to subscribe: Feminist Zine Polyester

CONTINUE TO TELL about decent accounts in social networks through which you can view the whole world.

"Polyester is a samizdat, an inter-sectional feminist magazine on fashion and culture, trying to connect cyberfeminism and the real world," reports the description on the Zina Polyester website. Now there are eight issues in the London edition (the last one was released in September) - its editor-in-chief Ion Gamble hopes that he is opposed to the "traditional" media and their standard narrative.

“I came up with Polyester as a second-year university for a project in which we needed to develop a publishing concept,” Gamble says. “Then I was tired of how people treat my favorite artists and designers. Everyone treated them like something “Weird” and “Kitschy” never discussed the meaning of the artist like Arvida Biström or Molly Soda in their works. politics and did not understand why mainstream media doesn't pick them up. "

Unfortunately, you can order a Polyester zine only from the UK, but everyone else can follow it on instagram - here you can see footage from the shootings and other photos that fit the magazine in spirit.

Watch the video: Exploring London's DIY Zine Revolution (January 2025).

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