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Editor'S Choice - 2025

5 holiday desserts, so as not to fall into the carbohydrate coma

Text: Dariya Nifontova

New year for many has become synonymous with a holiday belly and suggests serious overeating and the triumph of hedonism. If the prospect of mayonnaise rivers and chocolate shores does not greatly entice you and you prefer to spend the holidays not in hyperglycemic coma, then the traditional "Napoleon" can be replaced by something less killer, but equally tasty. Just in this case, we have prepared a list of sugar-free festive desserts.

Sugar Free Sugar Cookies


100 g almond flour

35 g coconut flour

35 g sweetener

120 g butter

Teaspoon baking powder

2 teaspoons of vanilla extract


Mix all the dry ingredients, then add the butter and vanilla extract.

Beat until smooth. Roll the dough into a sausage with a diameter of five centimeters and cool in the freezer for 15-20 minutes.

Preheat oven to 175 degrees.

Cut the cooled dough into thin circles and place on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Bake for 8-10 minutes or until the edges of the cookies darken.

Cool cookies before serving.

Chocolate mousse


2 bananas

4-5 tablespoons of cocoa powder

¾ cup hazelnuts

some water


Hazelnuts beat in a blender, gradually adding water to get the consistency of yogurt.

Add bananas and cocoa to the resulting mass, beat until smooth.

The resulting mousse is decomposed into portions and cooled.

Sugar free brownies


For the test:

5 eggs

76 g melted butter

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

43 g coconut flour

32 g almond flour

43 g cocoa powder

½ tsp baking powder

64 g sweetener

64 g pecan nuts

For chocolate sauce:

43 g crumbs from bitter chocolate

1 teaspoon coconut oil


In one bowl, mix all the liquid ingredients (important: cool the melted butter before mixing it with the eggs), in the other - all dry.

Pour the liquid ingredients into the dry and stir until smooth. Add nuts to the resulting dough and mix thoroughly.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Cover the baking dish with baking paper. Pour the dough on a baking sheet and evenly distribute it in shape. Bake for 20-25 minutes.

Allow the brownie to cool for 10 minutes and transfer from the mold to the pastry rack. After another 20 minutes, place the brownie in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

Mix chocolate chips and butter in separate dishes, melt in the microwave at 30-second intervals or on very low heat. Pour the sauce over the chilled brownie.

Chocolate Christmas Cake


200 g almond flour

250 g of 90% chocolate

175 g butter

100 ml of cream

150 g dates

5 eggs

100 g sweetener

1 teaspoon baking powder

3 boxes of cardamom (get seeds)

2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

¼ tsp ground cloves

6 cinnamon sticks

peeled almonds for decoration


Melt chocolate and butter on low heat.

Remove the bones from the dates and finely chop the flesh.

Divide the eggs into whites and yolks and whip the whites to a dense foam. Beat the remaining yolks with sweetener, then add to them dates, cardamom kernels, cloves, ground cinnamon and melted chocolate with butter.

In the resulting mass add almond flour, baking powder and cream, stir until a homogeneous, smooth consistency. Gently add the whipped proteins to the dough.

Preheat oven to 160 degrees. Lay out the paper for baking and grease the sheets of paper with butter. Pour the dough into the form, decorate with cinnamon sticks and almonds.

Bake for 40 minutes, cool the cake in the form.

Chocolate covered strawberries


43 g chocolate crumb from 90% chocolate without sugar

2 tablespoons of coconut oil

200 g strawberries

30 g coconut chips for decoration


Mix chocolate chips and coconut oil and melt over low heat.

Wash the strawberries and dry them with paper towels (important: do not remove the strawberry tail).

Pierce the strawberries with a skewer and carefully dip into the chocolate sauce. Put the strawberries on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.

Repeat the process a second time so that each berry is covered with two layers of chocolate.

Decorate with coconut flakes and place in the fridge for 10-15 minutes to grab the chocolate.

PHOTO: vaaseenaa - stock.adobe.com, nsc_photography - stock.adobe.com, koss13 - stock.adobe.com, Julia Sedaeva - stock.adobe.com, matka_Wariatka - stock.adobe.com, irynakolesova - stock.adobe.com

Watch the video: sleepy after eating turkey - myth or truth? (January 2025).

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