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May in nature: 10 life hacking for a successful trip out of town

Text: Ksenia Akinshina

On the nose a long weekend and if the weather does not have time to improve by the first of May, it is hoped that at least the next weekend will be spent outside the city. May holidays are often the first trip to the countryside, the first kebabs, fresh air and a lot of fun. We have prepared ten simple tips that will be useful to those who are going to open the season of country rest.

Protect yourself from the sun

The sun is a real joy after a long winter, which this year was not particularly going to leave. But even with low air temperature in the sun can be burned, and this is dangerous; Rejoicing in the long-awaited spring sun, do not forget about protection. In addition to the face, for which the sunscreen factor cream, we hope, has long become commonplace, do not forget to apply SPF to the neck, arms and shoulders - in general, to any exposed skin. Do not forget to protect your hair with a cap, and your eyes with sunglasses that should be with you throughout your stay in the sun.

Beware of insects

The annoying flies and mosquitoes are still asleep, but the ticks have intensified with might and main and are ready to open the hunt for people and domestic animals. If you are going to the forest, do not forget to wear a shirt or a long-sleeved T-shirt and long pants - however, the weather does not yet have shorts. It should be borne in mind that ticks are usually in the grass, and do not climb trees, so socks and pants are more important than a hat.

A tick bite can cause such dangerous diseases as tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme disease; before going on nature it is worth checking the endemicity of the area for infections. Bring insect repellents that can be applied to clothing and skin; for cats and dogs, there are also special collars for this occasion; check periodically the surface of their body - ticks skillfully hide in the fur of animals. If your cottage is located on a territory with a high risk of tick-borne encephalitis, it makes sense to take a vaccination course for the next year, and then repeat the vaccination every three years.

Eat with pleasure

At the May holidays, barbecues are usually cooked - and over the summer houses and villages, the whole weekend we have the characteristic smell of freshly roasted meat on the coals. Unfortunately, the holiday atmosphere in combination with fresh air and tasty food often leads to overeating and a feeling of heaviness. Try replacing fatty meat with turkey, chicken or shrimp — and don’t pickle kebabs in mayonnaise, even if your favorite relatives recommend it. Do not forget about fresh vegetables - the best way to go to the market on the way to the cottage. Observe safety measures: in no case should the ignition liquid be poured onto burning coals - the bottle can practically explode in your hand and cause severe burns.


Choose the right drinks and their quantity.

Put more non-carbonated water in the trunk - it is useful not only for drinking, but also for cleaning your teeth or washing, if suddenly after a long winter there are problems with taps at the cottage (or if you go to the forest). As for wine, remember that one bottle is five glasses, and correctly count the quantity. We advise you to choose a table wine and not spend money on the exquisite - all the same, its intricacies in the fresh air will not be understood. If you take white wine or champagne - make sure that they will be able to cool them; in the absence of a refrigerator, you can put the bottles in a container with cold water and put it in the shade.

Be active without fanaticism

Weekends are not time for perfectionism, but a trip to the dacha is not a reason to worry about a missed workout in the gym. Any physical activity will benefit, so take your running shoes, racquets or yoga mat with you. Twenty-two players and a referee are not needed to enjoy football. A ball and a desire to move are enough, and an improvised gate can be easily identified with a pair of rubber boots. Forget about the calculation of steps, kilometers and calories - just move, run, jump or work out stretching and relaxing in the fresh air. If there is a lake or river nearby, be sure to take a walk and look at the water - it will help to distract from thoughts about everyday affairs.

All disposable

For many, May holidays are also an opportunity to delve into the beds. If you do not stop and the desire to plant, water and weed arises, only the calendar will show the first of May, do not forget to wear gloves - when in contact with the earth, the skin of your hands begins to dry. Gloves prevent dryness and protect against possible scratches and also do not interfere if you are going to cook kebabs or string meat on skewers. It makes sense to take several packs of dry and wet wipes, more garbage bags (preferably biodegradable) and enough disposable tableware so as not to wash plates or glasses after the holiday - and it will be very good if you later pass all plastic for recycling.

Take spare clothes

The May sun is deceptive, and, as soon as it goes behind the cloud, it can quickly become cold, and the evenings are still quite cool. It is worth taking a long jacket and even a scarf, especially if you plan to spend the evening on the street. Grab a couple of extra T-shirts or sweat pants - they will be useful to you or to someone from your friends if the clothes get dirty or get wet. Even if you are accustomed to sleep without clothes, grab your pajamas - so much warmer. It is worth taking even an extra pair of shoes; and of course, if you are with children, it is better to multiply the amount of spare clothing for them by two.

Prepare a camera and other gadgets

If you are shooting on a serious camera, it's time to take a macro lens: the awakening nature will give you wonderful shots. Those who are used to shooting on the phone, do not hurt to make room for new photos, but it will be a shame when the memory ends at the most interesting moment. Extra shots can be deleted, for example, on the way to the cottage - in the train or car (of course, if you are not driving). Do not forget the e-book and any other gadgets you are used to, and most importantly, take the chargers - especially since one of your friends will surely forget their exercises at home.

Come up with a ritual

Let the opening of the country season be associated with something special for your family, a group of friends or for you personally: it can be an annual photo of the same tree that grows higher each year, or against the background of a house under construction, starting from the foundation. In the ritual, you can turn the reading of the same, rubbed to the holes of the book on each such trip, or just a symbolic champagne, which you will open after a long journey. What is better to refuse is firecrackers and fireworks: they are dangerous, and you can enjoy the spectacle on May 9th.

Do not forget the right medicine.

Be sure to think in advance what you need to take with you and, if you prefer, make a list. Do not rely on a car or dacha first aid kit - there may be medications that have expired. In addition to the obvious paracetamol and ibuprofen, take a bottle of antiseptic and anything from allergies and diarrhea. And of course, do not forget the pills that you take daily and which may not be in the first-aid kit with friends - it is unlikely that you can urgently buy a familiar hormonal contraceptive or other non-banal medicine in the forest.


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