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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Bookmarks: A reliable website about health and relationships Go Ask Alice!

IN RUBRIC "IN BOOKMARKS" We talk about websites and online services - both useful and completely useless, but funny and amazing - which, in fact, should be added to favorites or added to the RSS-feed.

Go ask alice

There are many places on the Internet where you can ask a question about health and listen to the advice of others - those who didn’t go to Mail.Ru or Woman.Ru in a fit of hypochondria did not live. True, the benefits of these resources are few: strangers from the Internet will rather tell you about the benefits of homeopathy and urinotherapy than reinforce their point of view with reference to the results of scientific research or give really useful advice without falling into a condescending tone.

American resource Go Ask Alice! it is intended just for those who are looking for answers to exciting questions on the Internet - primarily for teenagers. Employees of Columbia University are friendly and seriously talk about a variety of things: for example, how does a male orgasm differ from a woman’s, is raw food helpful, can acne be cured with a blue light, or why breast feels strange in a push-up bra. Separate praise deserve sections relating to mental health and relationships - the staff of "Alice" not only help to understand difficult situations, but also give good advice to the author of each letter, be it a pathological procrastinator or a girl who falls in love with her gay best friend.

Unfortunately, there is no such valuable and reliable resource on the Russian-language Internet, but the Go Ask Alice archive! so great that you will surely find there something useful for yourself - even if you do not have a specific question, the site can be used for self-education.

Cover: kanate - stock.adobe.com

Watch the video: Michelle Obama on the Importance of Education for Girls. Cosmopolitan (December 2024).

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