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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Japanese company made a gadget that will help fathers "breastfeed"

EVERY DAY ON THE INTERNET HAPPEN THINGS, from which you want to either laugh or cry. Inevitably the question is: what are you doing?

Japanese company Dentsu at the last South by Southwest exhibition in Texas presented a gadget that allows fathers to literally breastfeed children. A special apparatus with milk inside, imitating the shape of the female breast, is fixed on the shoulder with the help of the straps so that the person who wore can hold the child with two hands when feeding. In the compartment it will be possible to pour both breast milk and the mixture prepared in advance.

“Most of the parental stress and difficulties associated with raising children are about feeding and sleeping. The level of participation of fathers in these moments is usually low. By focusing on breastfeeding, we strive to reduce the burden on mothers and increase the sleep time of babies, providing fathers the opportunity to help with breastfeeding, "- say the representatives of Dentsu about their development.

The developers claim that their gadget will help establish a “deeper attachment through touch,” but they don’t specify how breastfeeding benefits from bottle feeding - with the exception that you can hold the baby with both hands. Meanwhile, women who choose artificial feeding continue to be subjected to pressure from others, although doctors are confident that the mixture is fully capable of replacing breast milk, if there is a desire or a need.

COVER: Dentsu

Watch the video: Dads Destroying Sons' Playstations! (December 2024).

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