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Facebook or facial yoga: How and why to do it

Facebook is known worldwide primarily as an alternative to plastic surgery and various anti-aging programs. This is another way to permanently maintain the tone and elasticity of the skin due to the active training of facial muscles. We understand what it is and how to properly "sculpt" your face.

What it is

The word "facebook building" is heard only in Russia, while foreigners know about fitness, gymnastics and even facial yoga. The essence of them is the same: it is a set of exercises that can strengthen the muscles, align the skin and make it more elastic, and also provide better control over facial expressions. The first written mention of facial aerobics is found in 1710 in a pamphlet with tips on self-care by Jinn Soval. Soval was a personal assistant of Madame Ninon de Lanklo, a French writer, known for her extraordinary attractiveness, which she, according to the stories of her contemporaries, managed to preserve until her death at the age of 89 years. The brochure contained the main secrets of youth and beauty Ninon, including a description of physical exercises for the face.

Face aerobics continued to develop in the early 1900s, when Bennett Sanford published his legendary book Exercising in Bed. It dealt with exercises that need to be done in bed immediately after waking up. By the age of 50, Sanford had acquired a huge amount of chronic diseases because of what he looked much older — his system helped him cope with the latter. Included in the complex were elements similar to those that are now used in face-building programs.

In subsequent years, the popularity of exercises for the face gained momentum. Women's magazines and newspapers tirelessly talked about different training methods: many were impressed by the idea of ​​noticeable results without serious interference. The style of receptions, known today, was developed in the late 50s and popularized in the 60s by the author of the book about facelift St. Maria Runge.

A lot of texts and books have been written about physical education for the face today. Classic - “Five-minute Face-lift: A Daily Program for a Beautiful, Wrinkle-Free Face” by Reinhold Benz, who is credited with the idea of ​​face-building. The daily training complex consists of 21 receptions and is aimed at training the muscles of the neck, mouth, eyes, eyebrows and forehead. The book is a set of simple and easy to perform exercises, and step-by-step photo instructions allow you to avoid mistakes in the execution of the program.

Carol Maggio is the author of one of the most famous programs of facial aerobics. Its uniqueness is that all exercises can be performed without distracting from their daily activities. You do not need a mirror, you do not need to memorize the complex arrangement of fingers on your face, and therefore, it is not too difficult to set aside 20 minutes for face-building.

The program Carol has 14 basic exercises, the daily practice of which takes about 11 minutes. In his book and public speaking, the cosmetologist advises to include imagination as often as possible. Imagine how energy flows through the muscles, how they are filled with oxygen, work and tone the skin. And most importantly - enjoy the process.

Effect and Benefits

On the face and neck are more than a hundred different muscles, which weaken without exercise. "Trained" muscles slightly increase in volume, thereby creating a dense framework for the skin, smoothing fine wrinkles and making it difficult to form new ones. Agree, it sounds logical: we know that sufficient sports exercise strengthens the body, so why not apply the same logic to the face. 

Facebook adherents say that regular facial gymnastics can improve the complexion, tighten its contour (due to the same increase in muscle volume), and also keep the skin healthy, elastic and radiant, since training promotes blood circulation and oxygen supply to the cells. With systematic exercises, the effect becomes noticeable rather quickly. This is because the muscles of the face are much smaller and thinner than other muscles of the body, so it is easier to train. For classes, neither special cosmetics, nor various gadgets are needed - all exercises are performed only with the help of fingertips.

The most popular expert on facebooking in the Russian segment of the Internet. Former fitness instructor, Eugenia has been teaching face-building for many years using the methods she developed and teaching future specialists. In social networks you can find a lot of tips Baglyk on how to properly care for your skin, and its ten-minute videos on YouTube, each of which is aimed at working out a certain muscle group, gain hundreds of thousands of views.

What you need to know

The main rule of facial yoga: when performing asanas, it is necessary to fix the muscle to which the load is directed, with the help of fingertips, in order to avoid creases. Also do not forget to relax the remaining muscles of the face, not involved in the work. If you decide to engage in facebook building, in the initial stages it is better to do everything strictly according to the instructions, sitting in front of the mirror. Some finger positions may seem very strange to you at first, and the work itself is almost jewelry. Having mastered the basics, you can train in the car on the way to work or during the lunch break.

Do not be afraid of feelings of light burning or tingling. It occurs when the muscle is worked up to the limit of its capabilities and lactic acid begins to be released. Tingling indicates that you are doing everything right, but too zealous is not necessary. First of all, consider your reflection in the mirror and determine which muscle groups you want to pay the most attention to. Depending on this, you will be able to adjust the chosen training program and work out the individual zones more carefully. It is conditionally possible to distinguish seven groups that are involved during face-building: the muscles of the eyes, nose, mouth, chewing muscles, muscles of the scalp, neck and ear. Many pay attention to three zones: forehead (frontal muscle), mouth (ring muscle of the mouth) and eye (ring muscle of the eye, muscle of the upper eyelid).

Facial fitness instructors advise beginners to start with two classes a day (morning and evening), each for 20 minutes. Morning exercises, especially if you combine them with exercise or a gym, will help to quickly get rid of the traces of sleep and prepare the face for applying makeup. The evening complex will help to relax and reduce puffiness. As the author of the book "The Yoga Face" Annliz Hagen, a professional yoga instructor with many years of experience, physical activity is a good alternative to various anti-aging programs. For those who have no time at all, they recommend a book entitled "The 5-Minute Facial Workout: 30 Exercises for a Naturally Beautiful Face". As you might guess, it contains 30 different exercises to maintain the tone of the skin and muscles of the face. According to the promises of the author, for the visible effect it is necessary to carry out its program for only five minutes a day.

The author of the facial fitness system practices a scientific approach and each exercise accompanies a detailed account of how it works from a physiological point of view. Patricia’s program consists of ten basic exercises for maintaining major muscle groups. In addition to Facebook, Horoway advises to regularly do facial massage according to the method developed by her.

Photo: Glossier

Watch the video: Yoga for Facebook users by Kamlesh Barwal (December 2024).

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