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Editor'S Choice - 2024

Gravity heavy blanket for quick relaxation

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Insomnia, nervousness and lack of energy often accompany constant stress - which means they are familiar to most of us. In psychiatry, weighted blankets are used to treat anxiety - and the results of scientific research inspired the American team to create Gravity. The weight of this blanket is chosen individually for each and should be about 10% of body weight.

Evenly distributing pressure, it has an effect similar to a relaxing massage: it stimulates the production of serotonin (the hormone of joy), melatonin (the sleep hormone) and reduces levels of cortisol (stress hormone). This blanket not only helps you fall asleep faster, but can be used for relaxation after a long day or better immersion in meditation. Both the blanket itself and the soft microfiber case can be washed in a typewriter. True, we will have to wait a few months: if ordered now, it will arrive no earlier than October.

Photo: Kickstarter

Watch the video: Calming Comfort Weighted Blanket Official Commercial (May 2024).

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