Bookmarks: World map with memories of queer people
IN RUBRIC "IN BOOKMARKS" We talk about websites and online services - both useful and completely useless, but funny and amazing - which, in fact, should be added to favorites or added to the RSS-feed.
Queering the Map
The project Queering the Map, launched by Canadian Lukas Lyaroshel, is an interactive map of the world in a pleasant pink color, on which queer-people can anonymously mark their memorable places and tell what memories they are associated with. According to the creator, the goal of Queering the Map is "to create a living archive of the queer experience that shows how we are all connected with each other."
Stories range from funny ("here we saw gay penguins, they convey their support and love to you") to heartbreaking ("in this school, children could not decide how to call me" lesbian "or" fagot ""); there are stories about first dates, coming-out, travels, weddings, sex parties, first appearance under a new name or awkward flirting with a stranger. It is particularly interesting to read queer testimonies from countries where homosexuality is banned - LGBTKIA + representatives from Iran, Egypt, Morocco, the United Arab Emirates and other states, where manifestations of homosexual relations and queer identity are prosecuted, are on the map.
The Russians also leave their memories on the map - unfortunately, there are very few stories outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg, and many of them are sad. For example, the author of the only mark in Vladimir tells how his or her grandmother suddenly began to read prayers for the salvation of the grandson or granddaughter's soul, after which "their relationship was forever poisoned." You can also mark a place that is memorable for you - to do this, simply click on the map in the right place, describe what happened there, and wait until your comment is moderated.