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Not a time of adventure: How to relax more and better


Ahead of the weekend. And although for most it only means one thing. - rest after a long work week, - free time does not always equal rest. We talk about the techniques that will help make time for a real rest, relax and cope with rolled stress.

Learn to do nothing

One of the main misconceptions about the rest - that they can be considered any time spent not at work. This is certainly not the case. But it’s one thing to understand it, and quite another to apply: how many times have you told yourself that you’ll "just’ check your email in the evening, ’just’ quickly wipe the dust while watching a movie, or просто just ’think about a new working draft on the way to friends? Try to keep track of what you are actually doing at the time that you have taken for yourself to relax - and what part of it really takes to relax.

In order to have a good rest, you will have to learn from time to time to do nothing and not reproach yourself for it. There are several techniques that will help in this matter. The most obvious is to put aside the smartphone or turn off notifications (almost impossible task in the modern world, we understand). Come up with activities that will help you briefly disconnect and relax: for example, take a walk after working in the park with an audiobook or listen to music while sitting on the couch - there are many options.

Take time to rest.

This advice is a continuation of the previous one. If you absolutely do not have enough time to rest - plan: no matter how loaded you are, try to take time to relax. The same technique works well with household chores: often we ourselves do not notice that they drag on and take up almost all their free time. Try to deal with them as with work tasks: allocate for each certain time and if you don’t meet the deadline, transfer them to another day.

In addition, it is useful to periodically remind yourself to relax. It sounds strange, but it is an effective method. Often we don’t realize how tense we really are, so once again thinking about rest can be useful even at a physiological level: at least to just straighten shoulders.

Write in the morning in the diary

"Morning Pages" - a popular technique that helps you feel rested and full of energy. Julia Cameron invented it, the most famous thanks to the book "The Way of the Artist" - but it is suitable not only for those who want to develop a creative beginning in themselves. The essence of the exercise is to write three pages of text every morning - no matter what, the main thing is by hand. You can talk about everything that comes into your head: from plans for the day to thoughts that bother you. We have already explained the benefits that written practices can bring, and the morning pages are no exception: they help get rid of obsessive thoughts and concentrate on the day ahead. The main thing is safety.

Slow down with coffee

Many of us are accustomed to start the morning with coffee, but, as in any business, it is important to follow the measure. Caffeine raises the level of cortisol - "stress hormone" - in our body. On the one hand, this is what helps us to wake up and feel more cheerful, on the other - because of caffeine, sleep can be disturbed and anxiety can arise. Although studies show that the reaction to cortisol is reduced in those who regularly consume caffeinated beverages, they will not be oversized.

Exercise (but don't torture yourself)

Everyone knows that exercise is a good way to cope with stress: not much helps to get distracted and “reboot” as effectively. Science agrees with this point of view: physical activity makes us more resistant to stress. True, if sport doesn’t interest you at all, you don’t have to force yourself: scientists believe that your mood rises, even if you do exercises through strength - but we know that this is not much like rest.


Another good way to relax and cope with anxiety in a short period of time is meditation and breathing exercises: both help to concentrate on the present and get rid of obsessive thoughts. Meditation teaches you to focus and carefully study your own feelings, but it is also a good way to relax - the effect will be noticeable from fifteen minutes a day.


This advice not only fits into the traditional ideas of rest - but quickly helps to feel better. Hugs make it easier for us to cope with stress - the main thing is that those with whom you embrace will not drive you into an even greater sense of anxiety.

Sleep (but some)

A great way to feel better and get some rest is a little nap during the day. The secret is to sleep from ten minutes to half an hour (no longer due to the phases of sleep - there is a risk of waking up broken). If in the middle of the working day you feel that the strength to continue is no more, the best option is to take a short nap. There is one more life hacking - if time is running out, you can drink coffee and then do power NEP for 15 minutes: the double effect of sleep and caffeine will help you feel more cheerful.

Find your way

Universal recipe, how to gain strength and relax, no - look for your own. Someone helps daily jogging, others - care for flowers or five minutes in the middle of the day, spent with coloring. The main thing to remember in the flow of affairs is to find time for yourself.

Watch the video: The Amazing World of Gumball. How To Relax. Cartoon Network UK (December 2024).

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