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Life hacking: How to maintain health in a sedentary job

Text: Rita Popova

We are looking for simple and not very ways to improve life and explain, why they work. Today we understand how to maintain a good state of health and a healthy back, if you spend most of your day in an office chair.

It is no secret that a sedentary lifestyle, which is characteristic of many modern professions, has a bad effect on health - among the possible consequences, scientists call, for example, cancer and diabetes. However, simply equipping offices with standing tables is not enough. "The point is to alternate sedentary work and exercise. And sitting and standing all day is equally bad," said Alan Hedge, a professor of ergonomics at Cornell University. Based on his research, Hedge proposes to ensure that for every half hour of working time there are eight minutes of work standing and two minutes of simplest physical exercise - walking or stretching.

Another study commissioned by the UK Department of Health showed in what proportions it is better to combine sedentary work and physical activity. In order not to cause harm to health, you need to work standing, walk or walk in the fresh air 4 hours a day, of which 2 hours - during working hours. This can be achieved by combining work while sitting and standing or interrupting to exercise.

Any slightest effort will help: stand in public transport or even just fidget a lot

In order to prevent the consequences of sedentary work, it is not necessary to set sports records or choose traumatic and exhausting sports. Any, even the slightest efforts will help: stand in public transport, climb stairs more often, or even just fidget a lot - as shown by three-year observations of 13,000 women, the less diligent ended up healthier.

The doctor of medicine at the University of California at Los Angeles, David Chan chose a more radical way - he works standing up. “At first I was more tired, but I’m sure that my core muscles have developed in a few months,” Chan shared his experience. the muscles of the back and neck are now less tense - while standing, they are in a more natural position. " However, you can do with small forces: take as a rule once a half hour to get up at least 4 minutes and 2 minutes to do physical exercises.

the photo: Wallpaper Store

The material was first published on the site Look At Me

Watch the video: 10 Life Hacks To Get A Good Night's Sleep (December 2024).

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