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"I was offered private in a gas mask": How I worked as a stripper

I came to striptease six weeks after his age. Before that, I met a man who loved young girls - but by that time we had parted, and I was already used to spending ten thousand rubles a day, and I was uncomfortable when they were gone. I knew what followed — money.

Scored in the search engine "a good strip club Moscow" and went for an interview at the first five addresses. I chose a club where I could start working immediately after the interview: the ability to dance was optional. At first, I felt like a stranger: I did not have my own shelf in the locker room; on busy days, I would change clothes in the toilet or on the bench next to the managers. Then it became better.

Portrait in the office

The artistic director of the club did not deal with us, usually he just yelled at the planning meetings. But that didn't matter. You can make good money, dancing like in a rural disco, and you can be a professional and carry 700 rubles a night - once in a while. Well danced units - they had pre-set numbers. The rest simply kept one arm and one leg behind the pole - I was one of those.

Guests usually look at the figure. One girl earned a whole million in private dancing, and her portrait hung in the office of the director. In my opinion, she was stupid, not particularly cute, but she had the sixth breast size, and the men paid her ten privates (private dance. - Approx. Ed.), to see how she jumps, crouches, lies, or to touch her breasts. There were also girls, completely "made" (as it was fashionable in zero), with a huge chest and lips.

Sex and Consume

I have a rather ordinary appearance, so I quickly learned to be sympathetic to be silent, in order to receive tips - the club leaves only 30% of them, and this is quite profitable. The main thing is to understand which of the clients really has money, otherwise you can sit all night next to a rogue for 500 rubles - he will not order anything at the bar. Strippers get a percentage of the order from the table where they were sitting - this is called a consumption. In the club where I worked, the orders began with fifteen thousand rubles.

The rest of the earnings you had to share equally with the club. "Crazy Menu" is a list of non-proprietary services. For a surcharge, you could, for example, look at the imitation of lesbian sex in the main hall or lick the salt from the nipples of the stripper. Everyone earned private dances, including waitresses, barmaids and club administrator. For this, a lot of mind is not needed - you just need to squirm for five minutes what the mother gave birth to. Privat ordinary girls cost 1400 rubles for five minutes, the fatal beauty cost three to four times more expensive.

It was possible to engage in sex with clients only on the night of December 31 to January 1 — the girls themselves appointed the price. At other times, sex was forbidden under the fear of dismissal: clients could not touch us in the bikini area, and we could not take off their pants. Everywhere there were cameras — sometimes security guards peered into private booths, checking that everything was in order (by the way, many other clubs are allowed to have sex). After the performance, you could only get to your things naked and without shoes - before the girls hid "tea" so as not to share with the club, so they began to inspect everyone.

"Girl in the box"

At the very beginning of work, I decided to have sex bypassing the club, but there was a stupid story. 40-year-old man invited me to his dacha on the ruble — promised to give 20 thousand rubles. We got into a taxi, I dozed off and woke up in a village near Volokolamsk. The guy stubborned with some kind of tough drug, lay on the couch and mumbled something. I stayed there the whole next day, because Moscow taxis refused to take me out of there, too far - I only managed to leave in the evening. In the process, I met his mother, who rushed at me with her fists. Of course, I did not receive any money and now I take the amount in advance so that the peasant does not promise what he will not fulfill.

The situations were different. I was offered privat in a gas mask. There was also a good boy who was beautifully courting, but nothing came of it - now we only congratulate each other on holidays in social networks. And there was one man who brought a box to the club and said: "I want some ugly girl to sit here for five minutes." The girl sat in a box for a couple of minutes and received thirty thousand rubles for tea.

In the strip club, usually come with friends or girls. The latter sometimes get drunk and climb to kiss - one of these literally had to be dragged away from one of the girls. And I understand why many people like striptease. To meet a prostitute is somehow awkward, but with a stripper everything seems natural. She spun - you are excited - you can have sex.

Insurance until 23:00

I worked in a striptease for six months and did not earn the promised three hundred thousand rubles (only top girls collected so much). In fact, forty-sixty thousand rubles a month were issued four working days a week. It was hard both physically and mentally: to wear heels and an ugly dress, to do a stupid make-up and to burn hair with a curling hair (they didn’t allow guests to go without hair). According to the internal prices, the makeup and make-up cost about eight hundred rubles, manicure and pedicure were paid separately. In this case, there were days when earnings were low: one privat or one thousand rubles for tea. There was also obligatory insurance of 1,500 rubles (guaranteed payment of the club to those who could not earn money on tips and privates), if you go out to the gym before 23:00. If not, you don't get this money.

All my group at the university learned about my work - all the friends at the faculty turned away from me, terrible gossip went. But I had money, and sadness with them is much easier than without them. I was also tracked by men in social networks and wrote to my friends about my work.

I would not advise anyone to go to such a job. I was uncomfortable, and I do not remember a single girl who would like to be a stripper. There were ladies who loved to dance on the pylon, but they also did not want to undress in front of a hundred men, each of whom despised you. There is no question of any admiration from the guests in the striptease.

Strip clubs are bad. They offer a model in which men can feel like "real men" only if women grovel before them and fulfill all their desires. Someone says that this does not go beyond the club, but it is not. The power intoxicates, and the man, leaving the club, treats all women disparagingly. In an ideal world, strip clubs would not exist.

Favorite shoes

In addition, you will not earn much in striptease - it is much more profitable to meet men one-on-one, which I did in parallel with the work at the club. I was very tired: on a rare weekend I was in bed, everything was aching and sometimes I could not go outside. Now I'm in the sex business. While working as a stripper, I had an acquaintance with my own brothel and a massage parlor - she offered to go to her and get more. So in the end it happened. I left a striptease with a scandal - I didn’t want to give my earnings overnight. It is a pity that my favorite shoes remained in the club.

Someday I will quit sex work altogether, but hardly earlier than in seven or ten years. You need to use your youth, no matter how terrible it may sound. My parents earn very little, and when they retire, they will receive even less. And I consider it my duty to help them: send them to rest, make pleasant purchases. By the way, I took a break when I married one of my clients. True, it didn’t lead to anything good, our marriage broke up, and now I’m working again.

Photo: Mihalis A. - stock.adobe.com (1, 2), ArenaCreative - stock.adobe.com


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