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Question to the expert: Is it true that eating in front of the screen is harmful

Text: Ekaterina Khripko

RESPONSES TO THE MAJORITY OF US QUESTIONS we used to search online. In the new series of materials we ask such questions: burning, unexpected or widespread - to professionals in various fields.


There are infinitely many opinions about the benefits and harms of various eating habits, they are often contradictory, although they sound convincing. Along with the erroneous opinion that it is dangerous to drink while eating, there is another common idea - this time associated with lunch in front of the screen. According to this theory, if a person is not focused on food properly, then digestive enzymes and gastric juice are produced in insufficient quantities, which can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract over time. Together with a specialist, we understand what can actually harm lunch in front of a monitor or TV.

Tatyana Zaletova

Dietitian, Cardiologist of the Clinical Nutrition Clinic of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety

So far, there are no studies whose results would indicate that the digestion process is disturbed by watching TV, reading, and something else that distracts from food, no.

Talk about the fact that distractions can affect the digestion of food, went back from the time of experiments Pavlova with dogs. When the animal was distracted by some kind of strong stimulus, the secretion of gastric juice was indeed reduced. True, there are two but: firstly, not the fact that this process takes place in humans the same way as in dogs, and secondly, the stimuli were really strong - it was about a sudden and very loud sound or very bright and an unexpected flash of light. A slight noise, changes in lighting and environment did not affect the dog's digestion.

So watching a show or a TV show is unlikely to affect the release of the necessary enzymes or intestinal motility — and perhaps some element of a horror movie that makes you shudder can become a sharp irritant. But even in this case there will be no harm to health once. Another thing is if a person already has problems with the digestive system - gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis - in this case, it may be really worth taking care of a relaxed atmosphere when eating. But the key word here is “possible.” It is impossible to confidently say that extraneous emotions while eating will aggravate the condition, but to give a more accurate answer, we need the results of targeted research.

A television or computer is a new type of stimulus, and it "distracts" the brain more. In this situation, the latter does not have time to receive a signal about saturation from the stomach - and the person continues to eat

But the habit of eating in front of the screen is still not so harmless - it simply harms not the process of digestion, but other aspects of health. Studies were conducted, where they observed the condition of people who often ate in front of the TV; Scientists evaluated the impact of watching programs and films not on digestion, but on body mass index. It turned out that the habit of eating in front of a screen contributes to weight gain - and this is due to two factors. Firstly, in such a situation, people often eat mechanically, without stopping when hunger is gone. Secondly, the rest at the screen, many are accustomed to accompany high-calorie foods like nuts, chips or ice cream. In addition to obesity, attachment to the “sofa meal” can contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes or hypertension - all because such foods contain trans fats, large amounts of sugar and salt.

It was found that the action viewers leaned on the food more actively, even if they watched the movie without sound. Advertising food that interrupts viewing, additionally provokes further. In addition, from an evolutionary point of view, a television or computer is a new type of stimulus, and it “distracts” the brain more. In such a situation, the latter does not have time to receive a signal about saturation from the stomach - and the person continues to eat. If you are familiar with this type of overeating, try to just distract for a few minutes: stand up, walk around the room - when you return to the place, you most likely will not feel the appetite that you had a few minutes ago.

At the same time, it is not necessary to strive to create "ideal" conditions for eating: perfectionism is not useful here, as in other situations. On the Internet, you can find whole manuals, what should be the situation in the kitchen, the color of the plates and walls, lighting and so on. If all this affects the appetite and digestion, it is insignificant, and the authors of the recommendations are more likely to be guided by the desire to make a name for themselves than to make a real use. Strongly bother with the creation of conditions for food is not necessary. One has only to exclude possible strong and sharp irritants, not to watch aggressive programs and films and, most importantly, to monitor the quantity and quality of food, listening to oneself.

PHOTO:Alexei Sysoev - stock.adobe.com, Tseytlin - stock.adobe.com

Watch the video: Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts w Will Ferrell (January 2025).

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